Open Age It had to happen at some point


Cook, Cleaner and Bottle Washer
Level 7 Referee
I've been verbally abused today... After a red card(S7) and numerous warning, the stripes goalkeeper decided to have a go at everyone else including spectators...
At the end of match he come back for more... This time I informed him, and his captain, of a misconduct report going in... And he goes off on a swearing fit.... Had to call police to avoid physical.
Final count 7 yellows and 3 reds... District football...
Now waiting for police to take statements and misconduct going in with police reference.
A&H International
Sorry to hear of this.....but out of interest why did you feel the need to get the Police involved?

Not criticism just trying to understand how it went from verbals to police intervention.
@Padfoot this lad was at least 6'5" and although with foul and abusive verbals, he was menacing and I had my other half with me. His team mates dragged him away. My wiffe called police, but they didn't attend, so now waiting to give statements and I will include their reference number in my misconduct.
May I ask you two more questions out of interest?
Why does your wife come to your games?
Why do you list your yellow/red cards in your profile?
Why do you list your yellow/red cards in your profile?

A few members on here do that, some just for info, others (unfortunately) as a source of pride. I know of a referee who did similar on social media recently and was relieved of duties by the local league for the rest of the season.
A few members on here do that, some just for info, others (unfortunately) as a source of pride. I know of a referee who did similar on social media recently and was relieved of duties by the local league for the rest of the season.

Which is a massive overreaction and they need to sort their priorities out!

Obviously more concerned about keeping clubs happy than their referees.

Self important refs secretaries normally to blame.....
@oh liner my wife is involved with grassroot football(welfare officer) so she joins me regularly. And the stats on my signature are just that... stats.
None of which have any bearings on what happened yesterday.
Before this becomes a debate about card stats, please bear in mind that I have no sense of humour for this discussion and will insta-warn anyone wishing to "debate" this topic. (Anyone wanting to know why, feel free to search for past "debates" on the subject) :devil:
[\mod rant]

Back to topic please.
I've been verbally abused today... After a red card(S7) and numerous warning, the stripes goalkeeper decided to have a go at everyone else including spectators...
At the end of match he come back for more... This time I informed him, and his captain, of a misconduct report going in... And he goes off on a swearing fit.... Had to call police to avoid physical.
Final count 7 yellows and 3 reds... District football...
Now waiting for police to take statements and misconduct going in with police reference.
Does not sound good, but I don't understand why you needed to involve the police unless you are actually assaulted?
I wasn't actually assaulted, but with having my other half with me, I was concerned for her safety, should anything kicked off. Luckily enough his team mates dragged him off to calm him down. It was my other half that called the police, as he had quite aggressive attitude.
I think you were wise trying to involve the police as your wife obviously felt you were under threat. Better to try to prevent an assault than wait for it to happen.
I personally would not want my wife anywhere near a game I was refereeing as she would take umbrage at any criticism of me and probably start an argument that would inflame matters. I could hardly report home team for failing to control the referees wife.
I've been verbally abused today... After a red card(S7) and numerous warning, the stripes goalkeeper decided to have a go at everyone else including spectators...
At the end of match he come back for more... This time I informed him, and his captain, of a misconduct report going in... And he goes off on a swearing fit.... Had to call police to avoid physical.
Final count 7 yellows and 3 reds... District football...
Now waiting for police to take statements and misconduct going in with police reference.
In which district did this occur?
I think you were wise trying to involve the police as your wife obviously felt you were under threat. Better to try to prevent an assault than wait for it to happen.
I personally would not want my wife anywhere near a game I was refereeing as she would take umbrage at any criticism of me and probably start an argument that would inflame matters. I could hardly report home team for failing to control the referees wife.

My other half actually finds most of the comments on the sidelines highly amusing - passing them on to me only adds to her day's enjoyment!;)