just had phone call

andy love

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
my RDO phoned me and told me congrats you are now promoted from level 9 to 7 as of the 31st october, well done your paper work will be in the post as soon as the FA get back to me.

whoop whoop whoop
A&H International
The easiest two promotions you'll get ;) haha!
haha, and the only 2 promotions i will double jump ever, thanks to your advise to Dave, which i think was top advise.

and thanks guys. :D you should of seen me bouncing around the front room chanting "i'm a referee" you tube moment i now keep a red card in my wallet at all times and when wife refuses to make me a cup of tea it comes out for offinabus.
Thats great news Andy :) Dont get to carried away celebrating your wife may caution you keep your shirt on !!!!