Just when all was going great.....

Bantam Ron

New Member
Level 7 Referee
...........90 minutes county cup tie all square, straight to penalties. Great game, I was patting myself on the back, nothing could now go wrong.......!!
4-4 on pens, last pair up, essentially sudden death. Home team steps up and as he is just about to kick it, a loud shout of, "you are going to miss" comes from the group of away players standing near the half way line. Sure enough it's a miss. I've no idea who's shouted it but see that a fan/bottle carrier of the away team has joined the huddle and I suspect that it maybe him that has called out.

I had to think very quick but what the heck was the right thing to do?
A&H International
Had a similar incident last season during an u13s match (mentioned previously on here).

Home team player steps up to take a penalty, just as he was about kick the ball, there was a very loud scream. Penalty was scuffed and rolled slowly to the keeper. Whilst I couldn't be 100% who it was, I was fairly certain it came from one of the away team players that was standing together on the corner of the penalty area. Ordered a retake and loudly warned all the players. Total silence for the retake, which was also missed and almost a carbon copy of the first! A couple of home team players pointed the finger of blame towards the same away team player after the match.

It's one of those situations where one of the sides will probably be unhappy which ever decision you make.