Keeper Challenge??


That big tall Scottish ref
Level 6 Referee
Had a game on Saturday. Keeper comes running out and momentum takes him into the attacker who has already got a shot away but only just. Blew for Pen....ball went wide. Caution. Should I have sent him off?? Did not think it was DOGSO as the ball had gone past the post.

I must add that he done the exact same thing only 3 minutes later. Ball went wide again. Second caution and he walked. Lad he fouled fell awkwardly on his leg. All thought it was broken. Ambulance called and game was abandoned.
A&H International
If you considered the challenge reckless then it is a caution, with excessive force then it is VC and a red card.
And you're right - it can't be DOGSO as he got the shot away and missed. Only other consideration for me is whether the impending foul meant he messed up the shot. By that I mean where there is only a millisecond or two between keeper's contact and his shot and any evasive action he took was the reason he scuffed the ball or similar.
I think the player probably took the shot quickly as they seen the keeper coming out. The keepers contact was pretty quick after the players got the shot away hence why I gave the penalty. I did see it more as Reckless rather than Excessive. Thanks for the reply guys
Don't quite understand why you abandoned the game Darren ? unless there was a daylight issue , my League Sec would not be a happy man if I had done that lol
A few possible factors; Nature of break and reaction of players, can the player be moved, how long the ambulance takes
Was a bad break. Players all worried and starting to go stiff. Ambulance took 20 mins and remained on the pitch for 40. No choice but to. Both coaches and league sec agreed.
Sorry Darren didn't realise there actually was a break

I had one last season in winter in a cup game , at 0 0 midway through the second half

again 40 min delay , told players , we were playing on and if it went to ET or pens we may have to abandon due to light

fortunately it finished normal time

I would personally still have played the game though.... in that situation

THE SHOW MUST GO ON ............
I agree that you should always try and get the game to continue. However when a young player breaks(or at least looks like a break) their leg then it changes everything. The players of both teams are concerned and none will concentrate on the game if it does go back on. A delay partic in winter can be dangerous....players get cold and stiff and you can end up with a lot of injuries. The coach of the boy wanted the game to stop as he had to go to hospital(his team were wining 3-0 at the time) and I think overall its the best thing for it. The break was too long to continue IMO.

Regarding your comment about the match sec not being happy.....that does not sound like a great match sec if he is more worried about games coming to an end than the welfare of players.
Yes I totally agree kids football is a different situation

As for the Sec , hes very old school , injuries happen in football .......as for roll on roll off subs , he wont have it in the league , hates it .....I personally don't mind

Really nice bloke though and his leagues ,run very smoothly
I think Roll on Roll of subs are brilliant. Partic for kids. Coaches happily then give everyone a shot(most of the time) and if a player is being a bit mouthy, has a slight niggle or has just been warned by myself, you often see them being taken off to cool down/recover.