Keeper picks up back pass

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I’m not putting anything through It was my mistake I’m not going down the route of making a thing of it with the FA, although I fully understand and respect people’s advice on here so please don’t think I’m being a tw*t, If anything ever came of me not putting it through which I doubt it will the keeper & the club are hardly gonna chase the FA for there fine, then I’ll just play dumb as a new referee & say it was an error booking him on my part.

But taking into account that you should have booked him for kicking the ball away, it all evens up in the end. The keeper was due a caution and got one......end of.

Stop beating yourself up over making a mistake, bet it isn't your first, and it won't be your last......and stop letting that angst lead down a very very slippery path......what happens next week when you've sent someone off for a challenge, but on reflection you realise that maybe it wasn't as bad as you first thought....are you going to not put that one through either?

If you really really feel that you owe the player something because you made a mistake, then put it through and fess up to your CFA on Tuesday morning.......
A&H International
I'm curious why you think it should be? Its only purpose is to prevent time-wasting.

Ball was played back by a defender with not enough on it, striker is through on goal in a race against the keeper the keeper comes sprinting out of goal at an angle gets to the ball a split second before striker and dives onto the ball.

So had he not of committed a blatant violation of the law the striker scores, he’s denying a goal by commiting an offence, I’m baffled truly baffled that it’s not a caution.
You caution someone, you report it

Thats not only amazing advice, its common sense

Or you can go picking and choosing what admin duties you will carry out

Some things are best said in black and white

How can I put a caution through for something that doesn’t warrant a caution, I’m new & he doesn’t deserve to be fined for something that I incorrectly cautioned him for.

I put all my games on whole game with or without cautions, it’s two taps of a button to put a yellow through, I don’t pick or choose I just made a genuine mistake & it doesn’t sit right with me getting someone fined for my mistake.

9 games in & your on about reporting a fellow referee who is only trying to do the most honest morally correct thing by a player.

Nice 1!
Anybody, 9 mins, 9 games or 900 games who administers a card yet does not submit it, is a disgrace to the badge that they wear.
You cautioned him, you submit it, if that means as suggested a follow up call or email to explain the circumstances, so be it.
That is the correct and mature and open way to handle it
Anybody, 9 mins, 9 games or 900 games who administers a card yet does not submit it, is a disgrace to the badge that they wear.
You cautioned him, you submit it, if that means as suggested a follow up call or email to explain the circumstances, so be it.
That is the correct and mature and open way to handle it

What’s the offence then?

Your talking like I’m some sort of crook trying to benefit out of wearing a referee’s kit.

And you wonder were referees get there reputation from for being unreasonable, shocked me you really have.
I dont use your reporting system, ask a colleague, someone on here who does, referee secrtary, or someone of such ilk
If you have cautioned him for handball, put it through as such,
Unsporting behaviour, put it through as such

Your redemption will be with the follow up call to say you feel you may have given a caution where none was due. Let the league etc do the rest from there.

Extreme but, you get guys from other teams watching games, they will have seen the yellow card, who is to say its no a cup and its his second booking or whatever, and he then plays the next round with the scout knowing keeper should be suspended, Granted thats extreme but all avoidable.
If I got a pound for every team asking me not to put a card or two through I'd be a very rich man. Many a time i've said to them I'd consider it to cool a situation but i've always gone and done it anyway. You don't get a reputation for being Mr **** by going soft on them!!! :cool:
You could have expressed your view point without the threat of reporting a fellow referee who is new to the game 9 games, if I didn’t care I wouldn’t have come on here for advice in the first place.

Anyway lesson learnt I’ll keep myself to myself from now on.
The advice (from me and it seems every other poster) is report it

Sometimes there is no nice way to give the correct instructions
You could have expressed your view point without the threat of reporting a fellow referee who is new to the game 9 games, if I didn’t care I wouldn’t have come on here for advice in the first place.

Anyway lesson learnt I’ll keep myself to myself from now on.
Not putting cards in is a red line for some refs MIB.. look at the advice above, most of it is pretty sensible. No-one is infallible, we all make mistakes, let the County FA decide whats what, thats not your problem!!
If I got a pound for every team asking me not to put a card or two through I'd be a very rich man. Many a time i've said to them I'd consider it to cool a situation but i've always gone and done it anyway. You don't get a reputation for being Mr **** by going soft on them!!! :cool:

Sheff i wouldn’t dream of not putting a card through i chased the FA for a month so that I could actually have the opportunity to put cards through.

I get banter all the time with players saying your not putting that through are you or serious questions from people saying do u put the cards through ref, I respond by saying of course I am.

This was an isolated situation where I turned to the forum for advice.
Sheff i wouldn’t dream of not putting a card through i chased the FA for a month so that I could actually have the opportunity to put cards through.

I get banter all the time with players saying your not putting that through are you or serious questions from people saying do u put the cards through ref, I respond by saying of course I am.

This was an isolated situation where I turned to the forum for advice.
Fair enough, but as Mylie Virus says, most of the advice was to put it through, make the extra call too if there is extenuating circumstances but thats up to the County FA if they want to pursue it...
I can be harsh! But I only have the referee and the referee movement at heart!

Sometimes its better to just come out with things in black and white

As ever thats only my opinion and if any referees have alternative views on the subject, they are welcome to them
Sheff i wouldn’t dream of not putting a card through i chased the FA for a month so that I could actually have the opportunity to put cards through.

I get banter all the time with players saying your not putting that through are you or serious questions from people saying do u put the cards through ref, I respond by saying of course I am.

This was an isolated situation where I turned to the forum for advice.

And then you told everyone you were ignoring the advice given and not putting it through......

You need to be prepared to get answers that you might not want to hear, that you don't agree with or that make you wish you'd never asked the question.......
It wasn’t your opinion i had a problem with Ciley, u took it upon yourself to say you would report me given the chance.

Anyway repeating myself over & over again it’s draining, referees brothers in arms a..
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If you post on a forum that you cautioned someone but aren’t going to put it through then you need to expect this response.

While I wouldn’t grass up someone on here, if I saw a referee issue a card and the. Learned that they didn’t put it in I would have no problem reporting them to the CFA.
As you’ve worked out, this is something that really winds up most of us. If someone cautions a player but doesn’t put it in then next week’s ref gets it in the neck because he does his job. Players don’t understand that a referee who doesn’t submit is the one in the wrong, not the one who does put it in. This means we get badgered not to report cautions by players who deserve the sanction but hope we won’t put them in either if they moan for long enough.
If you show the card and then restart play then you really have to submit it. I have known several referees be suspended for not reporting cautions, including one who is really senior. He had to tell the FA that he was closing dates because he was suspended by his county, which didn’t go down well.
There are ways the CFA can find out there were cautions and if they aren’t submitted then you will be asked to explain. We had one a few years ago who told teams that “I won’t put the cautions in if you give me a good mark!” because he needed good club marks. The teams told other refs so they’d do the same thing, but he was reported instead. He’s no longer refereeing, which is a shame because he was a good referee, but he’s no use if he doesn’t do the job properly. This can cost you if you’re up for promotion, and it’s not worth getting into bad habits.
Kicking the ball away could be either C4 (delaying the restart) or C2 (showing dissent) I’d pick one, submit it and move on.
Next time, take the player away to a neutral place to buy time to decide what to do. Don’t let the opposition make the decision for you. If you decide it’s a caution then do it and submit it. After more games it will become more automatic and you won’t need to think so much. Keep going and good luck.