
That doesn't matter. It's still a foul!
Level 5 Referee

No goal was the decision for offside, but I was left a bit confused by the image shared.

I'm not quite sure what we were shown and how the decision was made by by this?


In my head I'm expecting to see the body position of the player that passed the ball. It came from a heel flick over their head so in this instance I am assuming that this was because it is the ball position (behind the player) rather than the 2LD and the position of the attacker that passed the ball is irrelevant.

It momentarily left me scratching my head!
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A&H International

No goal was the decision for offside, but I was left a bit confused by the image shared.

I'm not quite sure what we were shown and how the decision was made by by this?

View attachment 6772

In my head I'm expecting to see the body position of the player that passed the ball. It came from a heel flick over their head so in this instance I am assuming that this was because it is the ball position (behind the player) rather than the 2LD and the position of the attacker that passed the ball is irrelevant.

It momentarily left me scratching my head!
I haven't seen the video, but based on the above picture I surmise it was used to show the player was nearer the opponents' goal line than the ball (part of Law11). . .?

No goal was the decision for offside, but I was left a bit confused by the image shared.

I'm not quite sure what we were shown and how the decision was made by by this?

View attachment 6772

In my head I'm expecting to see the body position of the player that passed the ball. It came from a heel flick over their head so in this instance I am assuming that this was because it is the ball position (behind the player) rather than the 2LD and the position of the attacker that passed the ball is irrelevant.

It momentarily left me scratching my head!

The body position of the passer is, as you said, utterly irrelevant. So we get pictures like this (no defender shown) when there is no defender to compare to, since the ball was way ahead (closer to the goal line) than the 2nd to last defender. So the picture compares offside position player to the ball only. Why are you confused?
Still confused why you wrote "I'm expecting to see the body position of the passer" and then talk about flicks. ALL of that IS IRRELEVANT.
From 2:30 in the video for anyone else as confused as I was (having not watched the match):

I don't get any video at that bbc site, just an article, but on the official FIFA highlights,
2:13 play starts
2:21 ball is played toward the 6 yard box and ALL German players are in onside positions as the ball is played by #13
2:22 ball is flicked in the air by German striker. Her teammate (as confirmed by semi-automated offside) is well ahead of the ball (which was well ahead of the 2nd-to-last Korean defender) at the moment of the flick so is in a crystal clear offside position (as confirmed).
The fact that the German flicker had essentially her entire body closer to the goal line at the time she flicked the ball is utterly irrelevant to the offside decision, as the passer's body position is not mentioned in the offside law.

Also, semi-automated offside had no need to draw a second line to the furthest legal body part forward for the German 'scorer' because it was obvious that EVERY SINGLE PART of her body was ahead of the ball and hence in an offside position.
Still confused why you wrote "I'm expecting to see the body position of the passer" and then talk about flicks. ALL of that IS IRRELEVANT.
Sorry David. I didn't mean to confuse you. Hopefully you are back on an even keel now.

My confusion was in part beacuse of all the other visualisations shown before. This one stood out as being very different, and as I said, left me scratching my head momentarily. I was simply sharing it out of interest.