Large Cards


Active Member
Level 4 Referee
Does anybody know where I can get a set of large cards.
I currently got the ones that I got after my course and they are the RA ones with the pencil in the wallet, and I've also got some fifa ones that i got off ebay, but does anybody know where i can get the large ones that they use i the Prem or any other large card that is visible beyond 5m?
A&H International
Refsworld as shown above, you want the B&D set which are pretty big.
Don't know how big your ones are, but I know that the T/LINE ones from A&H are bigger than others
Mine are very big thanks ;) All jokes aside they're 12cm x 9cm so they're big.
Refsworld as shown above, you want the B&D set which are pretty big.
yeah, I've seen them and i think that i will get them as a loose set for my pockets and keep my fifa ones in the fifa wallet for match information- or the other way round.
a good set are the ones off the RA store, with the circular red card they are very big, I use them and love them :)
a good set are the ones off the RA store, with the circular red card they are very big, I use them and love them :)
Got these given to me by County when I qualified and still use them to this day! Slightly adapted usage since first receiving, must admit!
Does anyone here use the circular red card... I was thinking of getting one because I quite like the look of them