Leave It ??


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
In my first game the ball came across the penalty area for a cross and a player shouted 'leave it' then the ball got kick up field. When i started running up field the manager said to me he can't shout that.

I just continued play because i was not sure

Please can i have you views on this match incident

A&H International
What you did was perfectly fine. It's a myth that managers started I reckon
Oh right bout to say because when i played football we shouted leave it and no one said anything, so that is why i was so shocked when i heard the manager say that and i didnt know what i was meant to do

Thanks for the help :D
Basically - if i get this right, is that "mine", "i got", "Leave it" ETC are all fine, however, if they are said to deliberately put off a player in order to gain an advantage then this is classified as Un sportsman like and can be punished.

This was how it was explained to me anyway
Ive had this an awful lot this season where a players gone to challenge for the ball and shouted something other than there name and players have told me they cant do it
I believe the official line is if a player shouts something to DECEIVE an opponent then he should be cautioned.

So if he shouts "Leave it" at a team mate then thats ok however if its a shout which is aim at a opponent who then leaves it and it runs through to him the this should be an indirect? freekick and a caution
The deception is the key bit. I've pointed that out to a few people who've moaned because I haven't pulled players up for shouting it.
Like Colin said, a player is guilty of an offence only when he, in the opinion of the referee, is shouting to deceive his opponent. In that case he must (Colin said "can" but he certainly "must") be punished for Unsporting Behaviour and issued a caution.