Leicester Arsenal - Red Card

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A&H International
Interesting mindset. I was always taught that we should use the minimum intervention necessary to sort out a particular situation.

For what it's worth, I'm sitting completely on the fence and backing whatever decision the ref makes on this one .. can see the arguments both ways

I think the instant call is red then when you look at distance from goal, ball under control, could other defender have got back, so many factors making it yellow but the over riding call for me is red
If there are factors to consider that make it un-obvious then surely the uncertainty in that would send you more towards yellow. An orange card as we say!
Don’t agree MC, a red is the ultimate sanction for a referee, certainty that something happened. If there is any doubt then you shouldn’t be shifting someone just for the hell of it! There are loads of these situations, I agree red is red, and if that’s your call then fire away!
If am amber then am going red. Would hate to watch the incident back and realise I left someone on the park who should be in the dressing room.
I will hold hands up and say soz if it should have been yellow but allowing an amber to injure someone else, strike someone else or abusively abuse me when they should no longer be on the pitch is criminal for me.
As I said Red is Red, no questions, I also agree if someone has struck or attempted to strike that’s never orange. But, there are loads of situations where you’re not 100% on something and I’m not going red on a hunch that something may of happened. That’s guesswork and your odds of being right are less. An apology is scant reward for a duff rushed decision.
As I said Red is Red, no questions, I also agree if someone has struck or attempted to strike that’s never orange. But, there are loads of situations where you’re not 100% on something and I’m not going red on a hunch that something may of happened. That’s guesswork and your odds of being right are less. An apology is scant reward for a duff rushed decision.

Bottom line is player does not committ the dodgy tackle, then i have no call to make....
I'd lean towards red. The video sometimes "lies" in situations like this because within about one second of the attacker being pulled down, you see the defender run into view. However, if he wasn't pulled down, the attacker likely gets to the ball two or three steps ahead of the defender and approaches the top of the penalty area with only the keeper to beat.

Couldnt have said it better. First 2 videos that looks a caution. Third video suggests otherwise. The full back will not get there and if there wasn't a foul initially, any subsequent challenge will be made from behind with the associated risks.

Taking into account skill level - these are the elite. That's DOGSO. Down in the Sunday League basement, different story altogether.
Bottom line is player does not committ the dodgy tackle, then i have no call to make....

It's a contact sport, a competitive sport, money, contracts and titles are at stake. Players will 'cheat', some are worse offenders than others. I'd want to be 100% sure that the punishment fits the crime to remove someone (and i've shifted lots)... Amber is not a guaranteed RED, think and think again!!... can still be a red but be sure!!!
I think the instant call is red then when you look at distance from goal, ball under control, could other defender have got back, so many factors making it yellow but the over riding call for me is red

So it’s yellow.

You can’t have ‘so many factors making it yellow’ then ignore them and produce a red......ridiculous refereeing.
The second there is any doubt about it being red, then it’s not,
This is a hard one. I think the important thing on this thread is that we're all looking at the same thing. IF there's a reasonable chance the other defender an intercept before the attacker is in a good shooting distance, then it's a yellow. If it doesn't look like there is, then it's red. And you need to be able to look at things like their relative speeds at the time of the foul.
And for once, I'm with @Ciley Myrus .....although I think it also depends on how cynical the tackle was as to how hard I'm going to be looking for an excuse to not send the player off!!
So it’s yellow.

You can’t have ‘so many factors making it yellow’ then ignore them and produce a red......ridiculous refereeing.
The second there is any doubt about it being red, then it’s not,
Padfoot agreeing with me!!! Now I’m really worried about my condition! :redcard:
So it’s yellow.

You can’t have ‘so many factors making it yellow’ then ignore them and produce a red......ridiculous refereeing.
The second there is any doubt about it being red, then it’s not,

Ridiculous, or strong. Too many folk find excuses to leave players on for DOGSO
Could he? Could a team mate? Was the ball glued to his feet? Central or just off to the side? Too far from goal?, is the players ability of high enough standard? And so on
Scrap all that, in this clip/still we see an attacker going through on goal with a chance to score bar being fouled. Red card. Ask questions later
Ridiculous, or strong. Too many folk find excuses to leave players on for DOGSO
Could he? Could a team mate? Was the ball glued to his feet? Central or just off to the side? Too far from goal?, is the players ability of high enough standard? And so on
Scrap all that, in this clip/still we see an attacker going through on goal with a chance to score bar being fouled. Red card. Ask questions later

Nope, 100% ridiculous. You cannot make a match changing decision in dismissing a player that you are not 100% certain is a red card offence.

The key word is ‘obvious’.....the second you have a doubt, it’s no longer ‘obvious’ and therefore not a red card.

The ‘strong’ decision there is a yellow......because you will have people clamouring for a red because ‘he was the last man’ etc etc.....the easy/weak decision is red. It’s also wrong.
Disagree. The moment am finding excuses to leave the defender on, is the moment am denying the offended team a justified advantage
The key word is ‘obvious’.....the second you have a doubt, it’s no longer ‘obvious’ and therefore not a red card.
I suspect you are mistaking the key word 'obvious' for the word 'certain'. If you have doubt then it can not be certain but it can still be obvious.

On a red card, for me, you can still have reasonable doubt (as used in "guilty without reasonable doubt"), otherwise you would almost never send anyone off.
I suspect you are mistaking the key word 'obvious' for the word 'certain'. If you have doubt then it can not be certain but it can still be obvious.

On a red card, for me, you can still have reasonable doubt (as used in "guilty without reasonable doubt"), otherwise you would almost never send anyone off.

No. You really can’t.

Sending someone off is a match changing decision.....and you shouldn’t be guessing at them.

‘Obvious’ is described as easy to see, recognise or understand ......so any doubt or further consideration required, renders it not obvious.
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