Leinient or as normal?

Ben W

New Member
Level 6 Referee
Tomorrow I've been asked to Ref for England Women U17s. Has anyone ever done games like this and is there any leniency in getting the cards out or do you just do as you would normally. The games are friendlies.
A&H International
I reffed all games the same whatever the occasion. If they wanted to play football I'd let them get on with it, if the wanted to pull the horses tail and act like silly buggers I could easily bring our Mr Arsey.... Ref what you see, never go into it with higher or lower standards, let them set the tone!!
Why would it be any different?
The only things I wouldn't work about in friendlies are things like sock tapes or different colour undershirts, line markings etc. I do mention that they are normally not acceptable.

Simply put, use 'common sense' more than you usually would.
The only things I wouldn't work about in friendlies are things like sock tapes or different colour undershirts, line markings etc. I do mention that they are normally not acceptable.

Simply put, use 'common sense' more than you usually would.
For something like a pre-season friendly between 'Sunday League' type teams, I'd totally agree. But for an international match at this level, I think they'd expect (and should get) the full laws applied as per normal.