Liverpool vs ludgrets


The avuncular one
What in earth is the referee wearing? White(ish) shorts????? Or maybe they are grey. Still

NO! You don't look like a referee you look like a pitch interloper!
A&H International
Looks to me like he forgot his shorts and had to borrow some. Looks daft!
Ref in the Arsenal game is wearing the same.

Almost like he forgot his kit and had to borrow some from the lost property bin. Awful!
I've been sat watching and thinking "just what is Refchat going to be saying about this hideous UCL ref kit"... I'm glad you've not disappointed me!
He is probably spasming with rage as we speak. I'm sure he will post something when the sedatives kick in....
If someone asked me to ref in that I think I'd point blank refuse to be honest.
Would this be a game between bottyswana and nether(region)lands? Played in chilie?

Not sure if those nations come under FIFA?
No it was China mate. Had that striker with the saggy balls - Juan Hung-Lo

China vs Russia I think it was. Russia keeper lost a ball in a mining accident. Choppabollokov