London FA/Woolwich and Eltham Sunday Football Alliance/REFSIX


RefChat Addict

I know the merits of the technology has been discussed previously and I'm not really looking to go over old ground but I was wondering if there's any members of the forum who will be involved in this trial and would they be able to pass on their thoughts on the kit? (Appreciate there may be an NDA in place).

To me it's interesting because it's technology at the grassroots level rather than at levels many of us can only aspire and dream about. And therein lies the problem with this tech - the cost. Notably, the cost of software AND the hardware.

And finally, has anyone ever signed up to the refsix newsletter? Do they send them out regularly or is it sporadic?

(I'm not really interested in a 'pencil is best' type of debate but I want to know more about how this tech is developing)
A&H International
Tried it, found it caned the battery life of my smart watch.

Everytime the battery died just after the match ended and I lost the game information.

Luckily I was also recording things in my notebook as well incase this happened.

I don't know I'd this is a problem with the app, a problem with the watch, or that I just need to keep the watch on charge right up until I leave the changing room.
If you think I'm spending money on a smart watch to do this you can do one! And I'm liberal when it comes to my refereeing spending! As in if multiple coloured shirts come in I'll probably end up buying all the colours short and long sleeved. I just can't fathom the risk you'd take with a watch!