Open Age LOTG exam next week - Help/Advice/Mock Exams?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all

I'm due to take my basic referee LOTG exam next week and whilst I'm doing my best trying to learn everything I need to know, there's a lot to learn. I was hoping if anyone had any advice and tips? In particular does anyone have any mock exam questions and answers? and/or advice for big day?

BWT this website is excellent. Really helpful so far. Can't wait to qualify and get properly involved.

A&H International
Have a look at areferee.com. I use it quite a bit. You have to read all of answers before making your choice. Be aware that there are one or two wrong answers. But I haven't found anything as good yet. Good luck though.
Agree 100% with mick.

If you have access to some fifa law of the game quiz's they will also help. But make sure its the latest version.
Thanks guys. I checked out areferee.com - some questions are pretty difficult whilst some didn't make any sense, but all good practice nevertheless. I also did the CDRom questions you get with the referee start pack the FA give you. (I think there's about 85 in total) Actually scored 83/85 correct. Although I'm guessing on the day the questions won't be anywhere near as easy, right? Ether way, I'll keep studying and will keep you posted on how I get on.