Man City vs Everton (CO Cup)


Retired big bad baldy in all black!
Man City vs Everton, Capital One Cup Semi...

Close call for was the ball in or out for City's 2nd goal. Sterling cut the ball back from the goal line for De Bruyne to slot home. Don Goodman on commentary was convinced the ball "was well out" before Sterling crossed.

Very similar to the video posted on here some time ago where the defender picked the ball up before it had gone out. However unlike that incident where the assistant referee was already dead in line to make the call, in the City match the assistant is running to keep up with play and at the moment Sterling pulls it back, the assistant is in line with the 6 yard box and by the time he reached the corner flag, it had already been cut back to De Bruyne.

With the benefit of a few replays, did look just about over the line, but tough one for the assistant as he was never in a position to give it either way, no doubt he will be panned by the media and Martinez.

As we all know, the perception of "well out" can be very different to "the whole of the ball crossing the whole of the line" :D
A&H International
I don't really like the idea of video replays for the officials but I've to admit, this is a prime example of where it could be used.
Ive yet to see 100% confirmation that the ball was out.
Anyone describing it as "well out" is a simpleton
Incredibly difficult call, BotD must go with attacker
On first view, out. On a straight view, it is too close to call especially with a well timed pause button. Officials had no chance and may indeed have got it spot on, by a millimeter.
Everton complaints are not exactly unexpected, but it's not like a call with equal potential to affect the game didn't go in their favour. I mean how in the big blue one did Cleverly stay on the field. Aside from the two fouls that were almost certain cautions in their own right, persistent infringement much? Very lucky boy.

edit: smeling is oreful toodey
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interesting you dont hear from liverpool whinging about the goal that was scored against them that was clearly offside
interesting you dont hear from liverpool whinging about the goal that was scored against them that was clearly offside
I think you would if they'd lost as a result though...a bit like Klopp's complaint about time added against Norwich.
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If it's over, it's a centimetre over.
Correct decision not to raise flag, would have been guessing
interesting you dont hear from liverpool whinging about the goal that was scored against them that was clearly offside
I'm becoming more accepting in my old age. Mistakes happen. If Liverpool had lost it would have been how crap they played which cost the game.
Not necessarily just this incident, but in general never fails to amaze me peoples failure to understand/refusal to accept that the whole of the ball has to be over all of the line.

So many people I have spoken to and seen post on forums/social media/news stories etc just don't get it. They see a hint of the ball beyond the line and insist it must be out/goal and no matter how much you try explaining that if you're looking directly from above or along the line, all of the ball, not just the part touching the grass has to be beyond the line will ever persuade them otherwise. :confused:
Well, the AR hasn't necessarily been panned by the media but Jags has come out and had a go at Atkinson for some comments about the quality of defending - just after this incident. On one hand Martin should have kept schtum at such a sensitive time... but on the other time... imagine if refs could talk to the press after the game... "Wayne called me a f** C***, then after the second goal he said f*** o** to my assistant, then he called the ball c***ing, and then he said f***ing f*** to his vice captain." I think Jags is walking on extremely thin ice if he is going to start taking banter into the press room.

And MA is right. Don't defend so badly that you blow a 2 goal lead and you won't have anything to complain about!
I presume that's Padfoot joking...

I was more or less level with the 6 yard line (in the second tier) and I wasn't sure it was out (defender's outstretched foot obscured the view), but I did expect the flag. What bugs me is the lack of similar media comment about the penalty against Navas not given in the first leg - and even though the post-match interviewer invited Pellegrini to moan about the foul on Aguero before Everton's goal, he didn't (and probably wouldn't even if City had lost). As for the studs down De Bruyne's foot .... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3ouecx_kevin-de-bruyne-gets-injured-while-diving-vs-everton_sport (about 22 seconds in, though it's not clear how his right knee ligament goes).
Blue tinted glasses again.....

Errrr, pretty big problem with that statement....:D

The ball was out for me, but you can't blame the linesman for missing it with the turn of pace from Sterling and speed of the attack. I was up in the third tier on that side of the ground and I was expecting the flag, thankfully it didn't come.

The hypocrisy from Martinez/Everton in general is staggering, didn't hear them complaining when the stone waller on Navas wasn't given in the first leg or when John Stones flattened Sterling in the league game.
I presume that's Padfoot joking...

I was more or less level with the 6 yard line (in the second tier) and I wasn't sure it was out (defender's outstretched foot obscured the view), but I did expect the flag. What bugs me is the lack of similar media comment about the penalty against Navas not given in the first leg - and even though the post-match interviewer invited Pellegrini to moan about the foul on Aguero before Everton's goal, he didn't (and probably wouldn't even if City had lost). As for the studs down De Bruyne's foot .... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3ouecx_kevin-de-bruyne-gets-injured-while-diving-vs-everton_sport (about 22 seconds in, though it's not clear how his right knee ligament goes).

Pellegrini is actually a shining example for not blaming referees every time his team drop points.
Amazingly refreshing attitude

Also just realised it was Scott Ledger. Fellow ex-serviceman and a lovely bloke to boot. I'm now EVEN more convinced it was in :D (Although he did overrule me on a penalty shout when I lined for him in a local match in front of a crowd of zero - arrogant! :D)
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Not necessarily just this incident, but in general never fails to amaze me peoples failure to understand/refusal to accept that the whole of the ball has to be over all of the line.

So many people I have spoken to and seen post on forums/social media/news stories etc just don't get it. They see a hint of the ball beyond the line and insist it must be out/goal and no matter how much you try explaining that if you're looking directly from above or along the line, all of the ball, not just the part touching the grass has to be beyond the line will ever persuade them otherwise. :confused:

Applying that to corner kicks and the Noise is ever more vociferous!

Most think ball has to be at least half in the quadrant!
Incredibly difficult decision. Ball is changing direction at the most difficult moment and AR is looking through the net.
Not necessarily just this incident, but in general never fails to amaze me peoples failure to understand/refusal to accept that the whole of the ball has to be over all of the line.
It's amazing what happens when you're on the AR and the ball is travelling down the line, even as little as about 70% off the field. People go absolutely insane over that, swear black and blue it was at least a yard out. I mean, absolutely crazy. Makes me wonder how many referees would just give the easy decision, especially at grassroots level.
Jags has come out and had a go at Atkinson for some comments about the quality of defending - just after this incident.
The quote from Jagielka is: "I tried to speak to him about it but he just told me our defending was brilliant. It is difficult when things start going the wrong way and they become a little bit arrogant, but unfortunately this is the way it goes."

Translated: "I went to scream and shout at the ref and tell him how useless he was but instead of giving me a yellow for dissent or a red for OFFINABUS as he should have done, he took the piss mildly and I, being a sensitive flower, am very upset."