Manager got told..................


I was refereeing an U18 Preliminary Round Youth Cup qualifier, had two CAR, both doing a very good job when one of them (away CAR) gave an offside i was standing some 6 yards away and it definatley was, and the away manager shouted at him " How the hell was that offside he was clearly on"
CAR shouted " How the hell was that not offside,how can you tell you are on the halfway line, come and stand here and then tell me the offsides"
Surely shut the manager up, but i did educate both of them about touchline etiquette,especially the CAR.
A&H International
I love when someone gets shot down like that... Happened to me before during a U12's game - one parent from away was constantly complaining about offside - EVERY single time the ball went to a home striker he was offside according to her. My tolerance level had been reached after a home player took a throwin and she screamed at the top of her voice "OFFSIDE !!!!" Just before I could go over and tell her to shut up one of the kids (bear in mind this kid is like 11) shouted "for Christ sake will you shut up - A. you can't be offside from a throwin and B You're giving me a headache". Que a burst of laughter from all the home players/spectators and even the majority of the away bench. She kept her mouth shut for the rest of the game !
That's how I usually start my conversations with annoying parents or coaches... "You're starting to do my head in now - so I would suggest you stop doing/saying X"