World Cup Mark Geiger


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Anyone else think Mark Geiger will go far in this world cup? I think he's an excellent referee myself
A&H International
He's a tremendous referee and I think he's actually put in the best performance of the tournament so far. And, of course, Fletcher is a beast on the line. The CSA is proud.
Geiger's got SPN-CHI as his next game, first referee to get a 2nd games as well
Excellent again tonight. Totally in control throughout and wasn't deceived by the play acting; superb performance.

Perhaps he's a contender for the final if he keeps this level of performance up?
11 and a half hours after the game the one example that still stands out is the goal keeper taking the ball in the air, absolutely no where near Busquets. Lands normally and is suddenly is "lots of pain" was fine a minute later :hmmm::hmmm:
What's he supposed to do in that situation Jack?

You can't play on when the keeper is down, injured or not. I certainly wouldn't criticise him for that one.