Match day equipment

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Gavin Chilton

New Member
Level 3 Referee
Just a general question on what you guys take on to the field of play and where you keep your tools during the game??
I a lot of referees I know take different things out and put them in different places
Any comments???
A&H International
On my person, I take:

Yellow Card (left short pocket)
Red Card (back right pocket)
Match Day Pad (top right shirt pocket)
Caution/Dismissals codes - on a laminated piece of paper (left pocket)
Whistle (hold)
Watches (left and right wrist)
50p coin (right pocket)
2 pencils (left and back pocket)

That's pretty much it!
I take 2. A red Fox 40 Classic and a black Fox 40 Classic. As I don't put it on a wrist stap or anything, it gives me something to hold so I don't drop it. It also means that if one breaks whilst on the FOP you don't have to run off searching for a new one!

I do it similarly to the ref on the front of the LOTG 2011-2012...
I am similar I take 2 black fox 40s out on a wrist strap, but I had a fox 40 eclipse for xmas hoping to use it this weekend weather permitting
ever used one of them???
Nope, haven't, sorry mate... But the sound pretty good on YouTube! You should give it a dry run in the garden!

Do games go on in Wales during Christmas? My league has stopped until the 12th!
well it has this year because around this area there have been a lot of local league games off because of the weather. so they are trying to get the cup games played before the new year. I think we are the only league around here that are doing it.
Ah right, fair enough! My league have had so many games off too! Think we will be running into the summer break to get them all sorted! Means more refereeing for me though!
I know mate half way through the season but there still loads of games to be played and probably still so many cards to give out haha.
The Swansea Juniors start back on 5th January, if there games this week-end no1's told me
I take with me:

Notebook with RC & YC and a pencil insisde and two 'long' pens in top shirt pocket.
Front, right shorts have yellow card, 2 small pens and a pencil.
Back right pocket has red card
Front left pocket has yellow and red together.

I also carry 2 coins, 2p and the league I do. Once tossed, they sit in notebook pockets. Carry two whistles on a wrist lanyard. Both Fox40 Classic. 1 yellow & 1 black.

Think that's everything...!
Oh i forgot to mention;
1 notebook in right shirt pocket (With R&YC in it)
Yellow in right shorts pocket
Red in back shorts pocket
Red - back pocket
Yellow - right pocket
Book - left pocket
Red+Yellow - Short pocket
Coin - right pocket
2 x watches, sweatband, gold + black Fox40 classic on lanyard on left wrist
Scottish style knife in sock just in case...
2 x yellows
2 x reds
2 x whistles
1 x coin
1 x match pad
2 x watches

have been toying with using gloves as i did a game the other week, lost all match control as i couldnt write anything or even hold a yellow but i have heard some horror stories from experienced refs about assessors not liking refs who use gloves.
Whilst on the pitch I had

Yellow in left pocket
Red in back left pocket
Book with red and yellow in top pocket
2 whistles on a wrist strap (Fox 40 Classic)
Match pad in booklet
1 Coin
2 Watches

Before the game I would take my pre-match sheet out from my bag and brief cars on what I wanted!
Thread from the dead
Old thread, but hey ho...

Notebook (NO CARDS) - left short pocket
Yellow Card - left short pocket
Red Card - back short pocket
Small Pencil - right short pocket
Coin - right short pocket
Spares Cards - top right pocket
Spare pen - top left pocket

To be honest, this isn't set, I change constantly as I still can't make my mind up.

Any thoughts? :/
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