Match suspended

Darren Amor

Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
35 minutes into the game I had to take the players off when the thunderstorm got a little to close. We were off for 15 minutes , huge hail stones and high wind. Then the sun came out and it was too damned hot!!
A&H International
I had a game last year when I had every season within the 90 minutes. Kicked off in glorious sunshine, after 20 mins or so it was pouring down, then it turned into hail (at which point I has suspend play for 15 mins because neither the players or myself could turn to face the wind without being blinded by hail) and then I had cold overcast for the whole 2nd half. To cap the day off, I had to drive through all these weather systems on the way home too! It was a wet, windy night in Stoke!
Seems to be the story of my cricket season. 3 games called of this season so far, on all 3 occasions it's turned into a great afternoon!!
I have to agree with you! I've been so focused on cricket, that i forgot about refereeing until i got a call this morning asking whether i was up for open age this season!
I had to remember what this strange thing was! :confused:
Hi James.
I presume that Jeff has been on the phone. Personally I'd like to see you do at least til Christmas doing U 15 and 16 games with a few OA lines. Unfortunately with your stature you'll have to work hard to have a certain presence on the field. The best way to manage that would be a feisty U15 game.
Give me a call if you want to chat. I'll be in after 7 this afternoon.
Hi James.
I presume that Jeff has been on the phone. Personally I'd like to see you do at least til Christmas doing U 15 and 16 games with a few OA lines. Unfortunately with your stature you'll have to work hard to have a certain presence on the field. The best way to manage that would be a feisty U15 game.
Give me a call if you want to chat. I'll be in after 7 this afternoon.
I think i will and ill discuss this with jeff after I've given this some thought, it has all been a rush this morning though!
Hi James.
I presume that Jeff has been on the phone. Personally I'd like to see you do at least til Christmas doing U 15 and 16 games with a few OA lines. Unfortunately with your stature you'll have to work hard to have a certain presence on the field. The best way to manage that would be a feisty U15 game.
Give me a call if you want to chat. I'll be in after 7 this afternoon.
Yes Darren will definitely be able to help you, knowing his stature as well!! Not that I can say much lol.
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