Metal Studs

A&H International
Not unless you perceive them to be dangerous at the kit check or any other time during play...
metal studs can get dangerous burrs on them--especially when knuckleheads deliberate wear them across the parking lot in the hope they get scraped up . . .

(Bu I don't have to worry about it--fields are typically so hard here is Southern California that no one wears screw in cleats--I haven't even seen them in stores when I've looked.)
Should metal studs be removed? Or are they ok, the law isn’t really clear on this, all help appreciated

The law contains a perfectly intelligible instruction on what players can wear:
A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous.

The law also says that:
The players must be inspected before the start of the match and substitutes before they enter the field of play. If a player is wearing or using unauthorised/dangerous equipment or jewellery, the referee must order the player to: remove the item

So if, on inspecting them, the referee determines that the metal studs (or any other equipment) present a danger to player safety they may not be worn and if they are not dangerous they may be worn.

It's up to the referee to decide what is and isn't dangerous but I would have to say that as far as I'm aware, normal metal studs as manufactured by multiple companies specifically for use in playing football and worn by thousands of players every week without a problem, are not dangerous unless damaged or altered in some way.