Junior/Youth Mini Soccer (Pass Backs)

Callum Aris

Level 7 Referee
Hi all,
Just a quick question,
It's not often I do mini soccer I just fill in now and again, but from a few times I've done it I've noticed a couple of pass backs, I would blow for it but I thought with it being u8 - u10, they wouldn't know what they are doing. So if anyone does mini soccer or knows about it, do you call for pass backs in this type of game. I just want to know before a U10 cup final tomorrow.
A&H International
It's not usually league rules, the FA have issued adapted laws for mini soccer but they are different for 5v5 and 7v7. U10 should be playing 7v7 so the law is as follows:
Law 12
Fouls and Misconduct
Normal rules apply, as per Laws of Association Football.
However, in Mini-Soccer all free kicks are direct.
A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the goalkeeper:
• Takes more than 6 seconds to release the ball from his/her hands
• Touches the ball again with his/her hands after it has been released from his/her possession and has not touched any other player
• Touches the ball with his/her hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him/her by a team mate
• Touches the ball with his/her hands after he/she has received it directly from a throw in taken by a team mate
For all these offences, the free kick should be taken from the penalty area line, parallel with the goal line, at the nearest point to the offence.
Failing any clarification in the league rules, you could speak to both managers before the game. Ask them if the players are used to them being penalised and make a decision as to whether you will or wont penalise before the game, communicating it clearly to both managers.

Last thing you want to do it penalise it in a cup final if both sets of players are used to it being allowed throughout the season.

Good luck!
Pass backs aren't allowed. I did a mini soccer game about a month ago and had no issues with pass backs.

The only different rules from what I remember is that there are no offsides though and the one I find odd is that the opposing team must be behind the half way line for goal kicks.

As heedmatt said I would speak to the coaches.
the one I find odd is that the opposing team must be behind the half way line for goal kicks.

it would be nice to think that it was to encourage teams to play the ball out from the back..........i jest :)
Pass backs aren't allowed. I did a mini soccer game about a month ago and had no issues with pass backs.

The only different rules from what I remember is that there are no offsides though and the one I find odd is that the opposing team must be behind the half way line for goal kicks.

As heedmatt said I would speak to the coaches.
Thank You