

Hi all,

Just thought I'd say hello as a new member to the site. I'm hoping to re-sit my refereeing exam in the next few weeks so I can pick up the whistle again. I haven't reffed for about eight years after taking a short break that turned into a long one!

Based in Staffordshire so fingers crossed I'll be active again in that neck of the woods in the not too distant.
A&H International
You'll be fine. Just relax and all will be ok.
Hawkesey, I was in that very same position 12 months ago. After a lengthy absence I got back in touch with the County FA and resat the exam. You will be fine mate, it all comes flooding back!

Hope you enjoy your first season back as much as I did.
Hawkesey, you will be fine mate! Where in Staffordshire are you from?
I'm sure Peter will help you if you get stuck anyway mate ;)..the more referees we have in the county, the better!
Hi Greg,

I'm down in Lichfield (but work in Stoke). Yeah, Peter trained me first time round (along with Mike Mooney), but I'm not re-doing the course just the exam. Fingers crossed I remember enough and can crib the rest!
Im sure the guys at the exam will get you through it.
Just have a browse through the LOTG and itll all come flooding back :D
Hawkesey, I was in that very same position 12 months ago. After a lengthy absence I got back in touch with the County FA and resat the exam. You will be fine mate, it all comes flooding back!

Hope you enjoy your first season back as much as I did.

Thanks. I got married and changed jobs so had to drop out, but I'm really up for getting back into it now I'm a little bit older (and hopefully wiser!). Really want to push myself with it. Also keen to lose a few pounds, something refereeing did for me brilliantly last time.
I know where you are yes.
Peter did your course, and Mr Mooney..mymy! I didn't even know who Peter was for a few years after I passed, but now he must be sick of my regular phone calls. MM was on the line for me in a County Cup game this season. Very pleasant man.
Well i'm sure you will pass my friend, there isn't much to remember!
Yeah, good guys. Although Mick did persuade me to do a line for him as a favour when I first passed - and the game ended up in a mass brawl in the dressing rooms as the players went off!!:eek:

I told him that was my the end of my favours! :p
Thanks Lewys.

Looks like my exam will be tomorrow (as long as they can get the DVD in time). Fingers crossed!
Cheers. Just itching to get going now. Got to wait for CRB (even though I have one from an employer it's not able to be used) and a child protection session.