My first game


New Member
I have just had my very first game, and my god was it an experience. I was doing an U13s game and although I didn't expect refereeing to be difficult, I expected it to require some skill and understanding of football.

The game was a nightmare. I myself didn't have a very good game admittedly but I think thats due to make lack of experience. I tried to control the game and thought I did with some authority, however I did make errors which I know I did but I had to stick to my decision.

I got to the game which was being played at a school. The pitch was an utter state. Minimal grass, lines which were not straight and a group of parents who I knew would be on my case from the moment the game started. I introduced myself to the managers and got changed. The two teams were warming up on the pitch and this made my inspection of the field a lot more difficult. Should I have asked them to go and warm up somewhere else? Anyway it wasn't dangerous so I deemed it fit to play. I then tried to do an inspection of the players equipment insuring no jewellery etc. That was also a nightmare as I asked the players to stay still but they were so busy kicking footballs around.

I then started the game (forgot to start my watch, not a great start) and where I play football at a fairly good standard, I am so busy watching the ball as if I am a spectator that I sometimes I lose sight of what is actually going on. The standard of play was just unbelievably shocking. Where all of the players were so young they just all clustered around the ball and it makes it incredibly difficult to see the players and the tackles happening etc.

A lot of fail throws were made throughout the entire game. I tried to stop the game and explain how to take a throw in but they didn't listen and continued to throw the ball incorrectly. The standard of play was so bad that I just thought that what is the point of me explaining to them how to throw the ball if none of them can make a simple pass to a teammate. In the end I just let them go because it was just so much aggro. The players were not encouraged to play football, they were instructed to do anything anything that would stop the other team scoring. This is really poor coaching and things like this really bug me. This is partly the reason that the England national team is so bad because of very bad coaching in this country.

Roll on roll off subs are an absolute nightmare. I tried to keep track of who was coming onto the pitch and who was leaving but it was a nightmare having to recount the players. The managers were constantly changing 2-3 players every 5 minutes it was just so difficult to keep track. Furthermore the managers just decided that when one of there players was on the floor injured they would come on to the pitch to aid him. I said to him you cant come on to the pitch unless you have my permission but this was to no avail. What exactly could I do to prevent this from happening?

Another problem that I encountered was one of the players was considerably bigger than the rest. Every time he won the ball from an opponent it would usually result in the other player going o the floor. I cant penalise the player for being bigger and stronger because he didn't infringe the LOTG.

To conclude I definitely think this was a personal learning curve for me. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I'm sure not all games are like this.

Thanks guys.
A&H International
Stick with it James, it doesn't sound like you did anything drastically wrong and you had a bit of a bum draw with the teams etc.

It will get better and easier I promise.

In terms of watching the ball etc this is something you learn more with experience, but it's good if you have already picked yourself up on it, shows you are able to identify and improve your performance on your own.

Obviously in general play you spend a large amount of time watching directly in the area of the ball anyway, but it would help you in general from set plays if you ignore the ball and watch the players waiting for the ball to come into play.

For example on corners watch only the penalty area and wait for the sound of the ball being kicked to wait for its arrival.

Keep positive mate, it gets easier with practice.
James, I remember when I started. F*cking hell I was useless. Don't be afraid to really show them who's boss. Its part of the job - EVERYONE at one point will get on your case - just let it said over your head! I got accused of favoritism in my first one.. By the captain of a team 11-0 up. There are loads of idiots - keep your chin up mate, it really is rewarding letting those morons have their weekly game of football while ensuring that the LOTG are adhered to!
Doesn't sound like you did a great deal wrong, and I'm not sure I've ever met a ref who would say they had it nailed after their first game.

Teams tend to know when it's a new ref as they won't recognise your face so for the first few weeks or so you may find that they try it on a little more than later on in your career. Just give what you see and ignore what's said, you're the one with the badge and the whistle and your decision is final.

Keep with it because that 1 game where you walk off the field knowing you've done a good job makes it all worth while.
Hehe my first I blew for each throw in, corner, kick etc. HT mentor asked WTF I was doing ........