Open Age My first red


Active Member
Today in my 7th game since returning to the whistle, i had to give my first red card of the season.

Green number 9 was the sort of player whose enthusiasm and competitiveness gets the better of him at times. I cautioned him in the first half for persistent infringement as he had committed a number of fouls; none of which in itself warranted a caution.

in the second half he was more cautious with his challenges, until one occasion where he caught his opponent accidentally in a genuine attempt to play the ball. his team was losing at this stage and he was getting more and more frustrated at not getting enough of the ball, and i could tell he was wound up. in truth i was expecting to have to give him a second yellow.

as discussed in the Responsibility thread, i took advantage of a natural break in play to have a quiet word with him and remind him he was on a yellow and needed to just be careful. i even told him i was trying to help him not get sent off.

then the clock ticked over into time added on, he challenged for the ball with Yellow 5. whether there was a foul committed was debateable, it was a tussle for the ball and if anything he was fouled. however his reaction was to turn away from the ball towards Yellow 5 and shove him with two hands in the chest. that was enough for me, i showed him his second yellow card, followed by the red, and asked him to leave the field.

i don't recall any complaints at the decision and i explained to captain and manager that i had tried my best to keep him on the pitch but ultimately i had to issue the red.

any thoughts?
A&H International
thanks guys. again referring back to the Responsibility thread, i feel like i tried to keep the player on the pitch but unfortunately on this occasion he lost control. other players agreed that i had done my best to avoid having to dismiss him.

i was also asked by a team official not to put the card in, but of course i explained that such behaviour would bring my integrity into question and i couldn't allow it.
i usually mention it in my match report if a manager asks me not to put a card in.
I usually manage that at first but then if they don't back down then i put the extra form in
You did the right thing in my eyes, but in the eyes of the law, as it was a two-handed push into the chest, shouldn't you have considered a straight dismissal for violent conduct?
I take your point entirely, but it wasn't violent conduct. He pushed the opponent away but without any real aggression. A red definitely would have been harsh.
Sounds like you did the correct thing. You tried, he heeded your words, then forgot and got himself his second caution.

I had this recently. I like to break out the phrase "I am trying my best not to send you off, but you're not helping me!" For such situations.
Good work! This is really top stuff re:management, mate. Just don't feel like you have to discuss it with players and managers after the fact.
supermonkey - almost word for word what i said to him! "i'm trying to keep you on the pitch here..."

ryan - really appreciate the feedback.

i've got that same team the next two saturdays so it'll be fun to see them again. i like it when i come back to ref a team the second time as they tend to remember me and build up a good understanding.
Be aware of having the same team too often. Might seem like a good thing as you get to know players and their quirks (and they yours) but over familiarity can breed its own problems.
Why do players still ask the question "Will you be sending that in ref?" my answer now is don't ask stupid questions but if they still ask the question then some ref's must be saying don't worry I wont!!
monkey - i did think that when i was informed that i have the same team for the next two saturdays, especially since they were the last team i reffed so it'll be three consecutive games!

i think it's just because i was on holiday for the last couple of weekends so i missed the fixtures being given out, and have been slotted in where required. one is a cup game and the other is league.
Why do players still ask the question "Will you be sending that in ref?" my answer now is don't ask stupid questions but if they still ask the question then some ref's must be saying don't worry I wont!!

I think you've answered your own question, Oliver.
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Your quite right Ryan some referee's make it very hard for there colleagues. I was talking to a referee who has been doing it for 3 years or more at a meeting the other day who told that during his game at weekend a player who he had already cautioned had been substituted, this player stands on the touchline singing the "the referee's a wa***r" over and over again. The referee in question went over to him and told him to stop being childish and that he wasn't worth the paperwork. He said it worked and couldn't understand why I thought that was so wrong. I told him he shouldn't have even bothered with a second yellow its a straight red card all day long!! He disagreed.