Open Age My game last week.....


The Persecuted One
County Cup game.....Reds vs Blues.....

4 mins in, Red player sees Red for a two footed challenge.....nothing like making a good start to a game!

14 mins in....Red 10 asks me why I sent his mate off, upon hearing my answer replies with 'f**king s**t decision that, ruined the game'....so he gets a lemon for his trouble.

35 mins in.....Red 10 gets fouled, I give the FK, he squares aggressively up to his opponent....get them separated and think it might be a good time to remind Red 10 he's alrwady on a caution....call him over....and he decides to aggressively square up to me as well.....so he gets his second lemon and a cherry.
Whilst dealing with this, Red 9 decides to chip in with 'you're a f**cking joke ref'....so once 10 was on his way I call 9 over for his caution....as he comes over he says 'I f**king dare you, go on, you f**king w***er'.....so he gets a red instead.

Both of them then decide they want to fight me, and after several attempts at being restrained by their team mates, they are still breaking free and trying to grab hold of me.....so I decided enough was enough and we were finished for the day!

Not bad for a Sunday morning.....3 red cards, abandoned, and all within 35 mins!
A&H International
But haywain how can he use management in that situation clearly they was threatening his welfare.