Nearing the end of 14/15


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
So we are nearly at the end of the season; I ask you this.

Have you had a good season overall?
Highlight of your season?
What you are doing in post/pre season?

Talk away:)
A&H International
Pretty happy overall (at least until this week when I injured my hip :confused:). Three highlights, got my Level 6, did my first Step 7 middle and have three cup finals still to come. But tougher games have helped me realise just what an enormous amount I still have to learn .. you don't know what you don't know! Over the Summer, working on my flexibility / agility to try and stay injury free next season.

How about you?
Loved this season. Only been involved in just over a dozen games but 3 have been cup semi finals and 1 a final. Assessed fewer referees than usual but it is evident there is so much hard work to do out there. Its needed to raise the standards as many of the level 4s I have seen, who have been rushed to that level, are really struggling. It's easier to criticise than to support but for the good of the game, I need to do the latter.

Highlight of my season, that's an easy one (or two). Firstly still refereeing and secondly seeing some more of the referees I have trained over the last 7 years or so begin to break through into semi-pro football. I will have complimentary tickets to the 2036 World Cup Final courtesy of one of my "babies".

Hope to use the summer to get some training in to strengthen muscle to support failing joints (including a hip that's just started having spasms when I try turning sharply) and to lose some weight. Looking forward to 2015/16.
I too have had a brilliant season that I am more then happy with. I have three cup finals to come and even have the perfect mix, 1 middle, 1 line and 1 4th official. Very happy referee.

Pre-season, get super fit and ace that fitness test :):):)
Over the Summer, working on my flexibility / agility to try and stay injury free next season.

I'd fully suggest yoga. I've found a few different positions that are amazingly good for stretching pre game and certainly helps with flexibility.
I think I've had a really good season! Highlight of my season was probably running the line in a county semi-cup final! Post season (in about 3 weeks time) I may have the opportunity to be one of Howard Webb's linesman for a match, so I hope I get given that! Overall, great season.
Brilliant season (so far)!! I'd have to pick 3 highlights because I honestly can't pick the best. 1) my cup final next Sunday at burton albion 2) Assistant referee for ESFA u18's vs Wolves 3) Refereeing ISFA u15's vs Leicester at St George's Park
I've had a great season, 5 cup finals, 3 middles, 2 on the line and the highlight being a county cup final middle. Its been good getting back into it after a year out. Not sure what my plans are during the off season, do my best to improve my fitness a bit I guess.
I'd fully suggest yoga. I've found a few different positions that are amazingly good for stretching pre game and certainly helps with flexibility.
Thanks Dave I might do just that. If it's good enough for Ryan Giggs .....

@Brian Hamilton , what are the key areas where you feel that too many of the Level 4s you assess are falling short?
This season was my first ever, and I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. Every week I have been learning and studying from different referees to become the best I can possibly be, and being only 18 I hope I can get to a good enough standard to go somewhere with this. I was shocked when my RDO decided to give me a couple middles in the league I'm usually running the line in. A big step-up but one I relished and taken with both hands. Being appointed 2 Cup finals and one Semi-Final I was very happy with too, all of which went exceptionally well thankfully! I'm aiming to absolutely smash pre-season this summer to get my fitness into top order for next season.
Yes, great season, I can't believe how much I have learnt and improved.
Highlight was promotion 7->6, and a cup-final to come on Thursday 30th.
I must work on my 'bravery', being stronger when making those 'tough' calls; a couple of times I have reviewed my game and thought "I should have cautioned/binned a player for that".
Looking forward to next season now...
Im gonna bring the Happy vibe down a notch

Not enjoyed this season at all ! Been struggling to get motivated not been handling dissent very well ?

As in i seem to be taking it personally rather than getting the card out and letting it run off my back

Think i need a change of league ? Been reffing the same Sunday League for 7 years and i think i know every player on first name terms

Also due to my lack of motivation i have turned in a couple of poor performances this season that winds me up even more !
Thanks Dave I might do just that. If it's good enough for Ryan Giggs .....

@Brian Hamilton , what are the key areas where you feel that too many of the Level 4s you assess are falling short?
Good question. Bluntly put it's a lack of match experience (playing, watching and refereeing) which mean they don't read the game as well as they need to. If you want it breaking down into competencies ..

Too often in the wrong position so they don't see offences which leads to increased player frustration resulting in loss of match control. Alternatively they don't work hard enough to get into the extremities of the field so they are unable to exercise influence over player behaviour.

Use of "managing" players as a reason for not issuing mandatory cautions on a consistent basis which leads to accusations of bias and that leads to loss of match control. Alternatively misjudging the line between careless and reckless and failing to issue cautions when they should or issuing cautions when they shouldn't. The first is an action intended to increase club marks and the second has the most damaging effect on club marks - go figure.

Playing advantage inappropriately and too frequently which leads to accusations of weakness and then that leads to loss of match control. Sure it looks good and keeps the game flowing but it doesn't half make you look indecisive if it doesn't accrue and you keep coming back for the original free kick.

Finally poor communication with players and club officials.
Thanks Brian, really clear and helpful. As you say, a worryingly long list! Here's hoping your input helps put them firmly on the straight and narrow!
Very pleased overall for my first season, great huge learning curve and lving every minute. Have put in for promotion next season so its goning to be a good solid off season to get prepared fro what is to come. Wish i had started earlier! (26 now). Don't want the season to end!
@Gary Milton I've had a great season and wish I'd started sooner, I've been refereeing 4 years, had a season out injured but 31 now. This season has been a real confidence boost getting some big appointments, alot of good feedback and also much happier with my own performance. Also at the risk of sounding big headed, I've watched alot more referees this year and (I am a harsh critic of myself) think I'm not the worst out there. At the risk of sounding cheesy this is the first year I've felt like a referee, and not just someone turning up wearing black pretending he knows what he's doing. I'm thinking of getting alot more open age games in next season i order to go for promotion the season after. But thats a long way off!
The most enjoyable season for a long time...I've done 0 games!

Absolutely fell out of love after 9 years refereeing and far too much BS at L4. One day, I'll return to the whistle-life, but I'm very happy for now!

Strange to think I was ear-marked as a potential ladder-progression candidate and part of the NRDP!
As mentioned on another thread.

Was really enjoying this season until leg, back and then illness curtailed my season just after Christmas.

Determined to get back to match fitness in the summer ready for September.