New Assessments


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

I'm new to the site however I'm a level 7 ref, 18 years old and going for promotion this year. Been doing junior football for my local league for 4 years and have been allocated a number of U18 games in which one will be assessed on. However, as promotion is based on three assessments, the other two are in open age so I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me as to what to expect (I have a good idea but would like to hear some first hand stories) on the jump from junior to open age football and how you dealt with it.
A&H International
How do you know which games will be observed?

Normally, you don't know until a few days beforehand whether there will be an observer present or not.......at least not in most CFA's I have been involved with.
Always assume you are being assessed, as there are still some old school observers who don't announce their presence and hide behind trees. Thankfully they are far less prevalent than they were 10 years ago, but not completely eradicated yet.

Then just make sure you read and re-read the 7-6 competencies. Everything you need to know is in there, so memorise and try to demonstrate these during the games.
Open Age is a lot different to Junior Football and could affect the mark I get assessed on.

Your best bet is to get going with Open Age games to build up the experience prior to being assessed. Perhaps take a mentor with you if you want that additional support. Really, the key difference is that players will be a bit more canny with how they try and test your authority, whereas youth is a lot more blatant petulance.
Mewcenary, get as many open age games in as you possibly can, massive difference between junior, U'18's to open age, although the quality might be better in U'18's than some of the open age football you'll be doing.
Look up the criteria for L6-5 and aim to be doing that week in week out, so when your assessment comes for 7-6 your already 1 step ahead.
Good luck
Mewcenary, get as many open age games in as you possibly can, massive difference between junior, U'18's to open age, although the quality might be better in U'18's than some of the open age football you'll be doing.
Look up the criteria for L6-5 and aim to be doing that week in week out, so when your assessment comes for 7-6 your already 1 step ahead.
Good luck

That's good advice, but I wasn't the one asking :)