New FIFA AR Test?


New Member
Anyone know where i can get details on the new FIFA AR Test?

I understand that it comprises a 75m run, followed by a 25m walk.

I believe it is a 75m run in 15 seconds.

I am not sure on the walk time.
A&H International
Not heard of that one? Have they changed it from the previous 150 m run/ 50 m walk test interval test?

Just did a quick search. Cannot find any mention of it online.
I know the Werner Helsen 150/50 test, which we do in France at all levels, never heard of 75/25
I think the FIFA's time is 30/30
I know the AR FIFA test has changed, as this test was used by the 2014 World Cup AR's.

I just don't know the interval ratios.

The yoyo test is a training addition.