New kit

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Active Member
Just wondering what kit and where 2buy it from. Don't want a PL style kit (as I feel that would seem big headed from a level 7) but I'm struggling to fine one I like and is of good quality. Any ideas?
A&H International
The RA based in Coventry do really good kits (that aren't Premier League!) Have a look on their website, or if you're not far away pop in and you can try before you buy.
I wouldn't say it's big headed to have the pgmo kit as a level 7. A and H sell the wembley still I think. Never owned an RA kit, but have heard good things about them
I can echo what Ross said. Having a PGMO kit at Level 5 is no sign of big headedness. In my opinion, it is all about how you look to anyone. First impressions count a lot in this game and having a smart kit is one of them. I would never veer off from wearing my PGMO kit if you paid me, it looks smart and gives everyone the impression you know what you're doing.
Not trying to demean the other kits (RA, Legea etc) but for me, Umbro is the only choice in terms of looking the part. Yes it is quite a vast expense, but if you want to stick at it, i'd pay the money. Also ring your CFA, they might be able to get it cheaper if you get a county badge on the kit aswell. I got a full kit with county & FA badge last year for £75, considerably cheaper than A&H!
i have the umbro wembley kit from A&H. I'm a lvl 7 referee - but i don't think level matters - it brought this kit because I like it, the quality is excellent and it looks professional - so many referees in the lgs i ref in turn up looking shabby, so when i turn up looking smart and well presented imediately, i have made a positive impact on the players.

The RA kit is good, comfortable and wears well, however, the only problem i found with it is the velcro is poor - but this is easily fixed by replacing it yourself.
thanks guys I will probably get the umbro wembley kit but at that price ot will have to.wait till the end of the season now!
Never know, you may win a kit, if you get some good results in the competition
i got my respect shirt of the ebay for £13 and my wembley shirt for£22 admittidly i had to buy the shorts but their are wembley/ respect frequently on there just got to be lucky and look at ight time
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