Next Appointment


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Due to a waterlogged pitch my game this weekend was postponed, luckily I got reappointed to a different game. It was a pretty even affair although there was the need for a dismissal mid way through the second half for stamping. The chap apologised to the player, the manager etc so no issues with the decision

However, I have just received my next appointment and it happens to be the team I refereed in my last game.

i have emailed the referee secretary advising him what happened as i don't believe i should referee this team again so quickly

A&H International
No reason for you not to.
If the match had ended with tempers flared etc and some post-match dissent regarding the red card incident, then you might have a case mate, but from where I'm standing, there's no reason for you to feel that you shouldn't officiate in their next match? Please explain why you feel you shouldn't? :)
tbh, I have no idea! it was a pretty obvious red card and while there was a bit of whining at the decision it all settled down by the time the game finished
There's nothing wrong with emailing the appointment secretary, but only if you don't offer an opinion on whether you should referee them again. No harm in letting him know what happened, but just leave it at that.

Personally, I would have done the same - something like "Dear X, thanks for the appointment next week. Just to confirm I sent off a player from x team, no issues during or after the game so I'm sure all is fine. Just letting you know."
Hi @montone whistle, the text you used is almost identical to the text i used in my email to the ref sec

thanks for all comments