No appeal for red cards


Active Member
During our last Ra meeting in wich BCFA dicipline officer was in attendance
We were informed that starting next season there will no longer be appeals for redcards
without video evidance at all levels of football.
Unless it is case of mistaken idenity.
And also if you are called in to give evidance you will receive £10+petrol expenses.

What do you think?
I thought you were inicent till prooved guilty
A&H International
First ive heard of this. I think we can wave goodbye to being called to any disciplinary hearings then, if this is true. I mean, whos going to venture out on a cold and frosty sunday morning armed with their trusty camcorder recording the game just in case something happens?
I think this would be a bloody good idea.I hate players who think they can get a red card decision dropped and think it must put referees off when they get called to hearings.
The innocent until guilty idea is not in dispute here. The idea is based on dicouraging spurious appeals, which allow players to play in an important game, such as a cup final, only for them to not attend the rearranged hearing, or drop their appeal afterwards. As part of this process appeals are held much quicker than currently.

This applies to Saturday football this season, as suspensions are now match based rather than for a period of time.
agree Mr Cannon!

Does concern me tho and doesnt sit quite right!
This is due to the FA wanting County FAs to switch from Day Based suspensions to Match Based Suspensions - bringing it all in line with the higher levels.
I thought you were inicent till prooved guilty
That is true of as far as the law of the land is concerned but as far as the Laws of the Game are concerned everything hinges on the 'opinion' of the referee and rightly so. As the referee you make the decision based on your opinion so unless you get the wrong man/woman or you reflect and later notify the FA that you may have been wrong in law I think this is absolutely the right way of doing it. Ive never understood how upon appeal a player could argue the situation, when it has always been my opinion not his/hers.:)