No club marks & no match cards...


RefChat Addict
One of the youth leagues I ref in has made some changes for the upcoming season.

Firstly, they've scrapped club marks. Hallelujah!!!! According to the refs secretary, he could tell which team had won and lost each and every time. I actually can't see a negative there...

Secondly, and this is not such a great move, they've scrapped match cards. Is this even something that they are able to do? As I've said before, we don't see the cards until after the game generally, but they're good to have for confirming names etc.

A&H International
The youth league I'm involved with scrapped match cards/sheets for U11 upwards when it moved on to Full Time. Never been a problem, especially as its rolling subs. Sometimes you can't find a player registered against a team when reporting cautions etc, but you can just manually type the name. If they gave you a false name or their real name and aren't registered to play, let other people whose job it is to sort those issues out handle it :)