Nothing to do with me, right?


Well-Known Member
Had a game on Friday night where greens v red in the 3rd round of knockout cup. Anyway, when getting teamlines, the greens say that they are playing a player (lets call him Joe Bloggs) but the reds think he is still under a suspension but green manager assures me he checked with league. Anyway, when I give the reds the green teamline, they say that Joe Bloggs is still suspended and they know, because he was suspended 4 games whilst playing with them before they released him and Joe Bloggs hadn't played 4 games yet either with reds or greens.

Anyway, both managers were adamant they were in the right, but I simply said that it was a league disciplinary matter, not a refereeing matter and that I couldn't stop Joe Bloggs from playing and that they should protest to the league if they felt they had a case.

Was I right?
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A&H International
You were correct, as long as the player is correctly identified on the team sheet. If he is suspended the county fa will come down hard on the offending team.
That's what I thought. I did say to both managers that I would be writing a report based on the issue and sending it to the Secretary so if anything does happen, there is evidence of what was said and what happened.
As I said in a game a few weeks ago......I'm here to keep the time, keep the score, keep everyone safe and enforce the LOTG as set out by FIFA and the FA.

Tends to defuse things like the OP!