Offences off the FOP

I believe the first offence must be punished, so IDFK for leaving the fop without permission.

Is this good for a summary?

1. Ball in play, player leaves FOP and commits an offence against anybody:
The restart is an IDFK and then a yellow/red depending on offence.

2. Ball in play, player/sub/team official off the FOP commits an offence against:
A. An opposition player, sub, team official or match official =>
restart is an IDFK/DFK (depending on the offence) and YC/RC as appropriate
B. An outside agent => Play is restarted with a dropped ball from where play was stopped (regardless of offence) and YC/RC as appropriate

3. Ball out of play, player commits an offence on or off the FOP:
Restart according to previous decision and YC/RC as appropriate for offence committed

4. Ball in play, a manager strikes a player, substitute or team official:
A. From the opposition or a match official=>
Referee stops play and issues a DFK from nearest point on boundary line and RC to the manager
B. From the same team => The referee stops play and restarts with dropped ball from where the ball was when the referee stopped play, RC to the manager

5. A substitute or team official enters the field of play
A. They don't interfere with play
=> IDFK at point of entry
B. They do interfere with play => DFK (or PK) at point of interference

Please confirm/correct as appropriate .. I need a cup of tea!
Great list.
This part of the laws gives me nightmares so this was a great read.

2A though is now giving me kittens, could you open it up so it is more memorable?
A&H International