The Ref Stop

Offside calls

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Here in Western Australia each teams must provide a CAR or the game does not go ahead. We have been told that we need only ask for ball in and out of play - whether we request the CAR to flag offsides or not is up to each referee. In actual fact most refs get them to give offsides.

Now I agree with the idea that if you treat a CAR with respect and value their contribution, they often rise to the challenge. I always check before the game that they understand the basic Law, and then explain that unless the player in an offside position actually touches or challenges for the ball not to raise the flag - not even if the ball runs inches away from them. I do not go into further detail about the minutiae of Interfering with Play, but warn them that there are a few occasions that I may have to over-rule their flag. When they realise that I am actually giving them something worthwhile to think about, as I said, many make a good effort to concentrate.

This can sometimes cause problems: once, in a ladies adult match, a long ball out of defence: a forward was running at the ball chasing it down. I immediately looked at the CAR who ran alongside flag down. The forward got to the ball first, but a defender had caught up with her and put in a tackle, tripping her up just inside the PA (nothing bad, just careless). I immediately pointed to the spot, and as I was considering whether to card the defender (not an obvious DOGSO as another defender had also caught up more centrally) the defenders all pointed upfield, where the CAR now stood, flag raised. I was a little suspicious, thinking she might have only decided to flag because I had given a penalty. I ran over. She immediately said: "she was definitely offside, but I ran the line for you once before, and remember you telling us not to flag till the player actually touched the ball". I thanked her, ran back and cancelled the penalty, giving an IFK. Not one player complained. However, now I usually tell the CAR, that if only one PIOP is chasing the ball and likely to get there first - flag early.

In general, unless they clearly show themselves to be in the wrong, I go with the CAR's flag. Perhaps they do err on the side of giving offside more than they should, but if I were left to judge without their help, I would probably make even more errors. I I find that if players get called a few times when they are not offside, they tend to get annoyed with the CAR rather than me. And If there is a tight one not flagged, then I simply say: "well, your own AR did not give it".
The Ref Stop
Appreciate I'm late to the party, and this may have been covered by someone else, but.......

You do all realise that the CAR is not making the decision about offside or are. They are merely indicating, by raising the flag, that someone may be in an offside position when the ball is is up to you to decided whether or not an offence has been committed.

Also, genuinely curious about this from the OP:
" I had to reprimand a 13-year-old--as sternly as I could without producing a card-"

What was so important about not producing a card?
Also, genuinely curious about this from the OP:
" I had to reprimand a 13-year-old--as sternly as I could without producing a card-"
I would have carded depending on what was said Padfoot so all is good! I also say to the captains that the CARs are part of my team and any abuse or bad language towards them will be treated seriously , bit it is always a bit funny when the defending team complains about a corner decision and you get to say but your lino gave it!
a non qualified random at the side of the park...however honest and long in the tooth he may be...

will never be part of my refereeing team...
Ok so for the millionth time the north/south divide on CAR’s has reared it’s head again. Closing this one, mainly so that I can keep my sanity
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