

Politically Incorrect
Not had this in a game, but would be interested to know people's thoughts on this particular scenario....

Cup game, last 5 minutes, red v blue. Blue winning 1-0.
Red goalkeeper has the ball, blue attacker makes vague attempt a at charging it down. Everybody else in Blue Half as Red keeper lumps it forward, and blue striker trots back towards halfway line. Blue defender gets the big clearing header from the keepers kick that goes back towards the halfway line, just into Red half.

The only Red defender, stood on his own, takes the ball down and miss-controls, Blue attacker steals the ball run on and slots home.

What do YOU do?
A&H International

Edit' apologies I got the players muddled in my head when visualising!

I would say offside as the player has been in an offside position when ball played and has gained and advantage from being there as he has nicked ball
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If I understand correctly blue would be offside, but there is a question over the involvement of the red defender?
Correct about the involvement of the red defender, the rest is up for debate....
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Could you consider the red defender to have played the ball? miscontrolling does not constitute a deflection. Therefore i will say not offside as the red defender played the ball albeit badly and therefore goal stands
Interesting to see differencing opinions. Based on my understanding he would be onside as the defender makes a DELIBERATE attempt to play the ball. Unless I've misinterpreted it :)

Worth watching this video on the topic if you have the time, I found it quite useful:

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Deliberate attempt to play the ball by defender? GOAL! Prepare ears for a ton of moaning... Unless you consider the striker made a challenge for the ball whilst in an offside position and while the defender is trying to deliberately play the ball, which it doesn't sound like you would. If he did he would be interfering with an opponent, offside. However, I don't think that is what you are describing. :)

The fact that the defender made a pigs ear out of controlling the ball is irrelevant. Seems a little harsh at times to the defender in some circumstances, but that is how the law is currently.
Exactly. It's a pain to apply at the top level, as the video shows only a 25% of the time the correct call is made, let alone at grassroots. The chances that coaches and players know about the law change are slim so it makes our job harder. I only understood the change properly after watching this video yesterday.
Based on what you have described no offside. Deliberate play by defender. I dont think that there is any such thing as a reflection any more unless the player is saving/attempting to save. Have a look at the MNSRC podcast for Dec 14. It covers all of this nicely.