Oh *******


No match this week doh! that's the bad news...the worse news the missus wants to go shopping in town:confused:
A&H International
Condolences. @HertsFinest will be here shortly to tell you to pretend you have a game and just drive around for a few hours... Before going home and pretending to be tired.
Crafty cow she is.. said to me last week i want to go window shopping... oh good i thought... no such luck went to Anglian windows and bought 12 panes glass(that's a joke by the way)
That is great advice from Herts. And real attention to detail.

On the contrary to shopping my wife tends to find me a number of jobs to do if I have a game cancelled.

Just shows how many have been called off recently that there's more paint on my doors than wood :confused:
Aye Regal, its got to the point here where I'm doing DIY on the DIY from that week where I did the DIY on that thing that didn't even need fixing. Hence now there are no cancelled games just longer and longer drives.
Mmmmm,sound advice...We did decide during Christmas all the house needs a makeover so i got lots,lots,lots,lots,lots,lots,lots,lots x 1 gazillion things to do :cry::cry::cry: