Ohhh, bet that hurt!


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Not really after any advice but my game sunday gave me an opportunity to "appreciate" one of the new laws. The game itself was going quite well, decent banter between two sides albeit a little one sided. Then, what i thought was a harmless miskick, caught me square in the gentlemans area.

Of course I immediately stopped play (for about 2 minutes) and awarded an uncontested drop ball to the team who last had possession.
A&H International
Hmm. Did you check to see if possession changed or a promising attack was created before stopping play?

And no, I'm certainly not faulting you for just stopping if you were, ah, temporarily indisposed. (From a technical perspective, however, I'm not sure the Laws intend that (at least with NARs), as there is the provision for continuing without the R under the supervision of the NARs until play stops . . .)
Hmm. Did you check to see if possession changed or a promising attack was created before stopping play?

And no, I'm certainly not faulting you for just stopping if you were, ah, temporarily indisposed. (From a technical perspective, however, I'm not sure the Laws intend that (at least with NARs), as there is the provision for continuing without the R under the supervision of the NARs until play stops . . .)

No promising attack created and it hadn't reached its "intended" destination or maybe it did ;)

CAR's too so stopping play seemed the best option
Uncontested drop balls 😂
Not really after any advice but my game sunday gave me an opportunity to "appreciate" one of the new laws. The game itself was going quite well, decent banter between two sides albeit a little one sided. Then, what i thought was a harmless miskick, caught me square in the gentlemans area.

Of course I immediately stopped play (for about 2 minutes) and awarded an uncontested drop ball to the team who last had possession.
Just the one dropped ball or three?
Got the ball in the crown jewels full pelt in a WPL game a few years ago. Think you get no sympathy in a men's game, try doing it in a women's game … :blackeye:

Realistically stopping play is the right action even with neutral assistants, players will probably be laughing too much to carry on anyway.
Hit me a few times but I don’t ever remember that particular spot, the thighs at the back hurt on a cold winter morning from memory, not quite in the bullseye though!
Been lucky enough not to have that so far.

Got skinned on the butt last Saturday though and that hurt. Ball went out of play and I don't think anyone noticed so...
Been lucky enough not to have that so far.

Got skinned on the butt last Saturday though and that hurt. Ball went out of play and I don't think anyone noticed so...

If it went out of play, it didn't matter--new law only applies when the ball stays in play. (Which doesn't make complete sense as the deflection could cause a change of possession--I've suspected they were thinking of hitting an AR on the way out when the wrote it.)
If it went out of play, it didn't matter--new law only applies when the ball stays in play. (Which doesn't make complete sense as the deflection could cause a change of possession--I've suspected they were thinking of hitting an AR on the way out when the wrote it.)

I know. But I'm still happy no one noticed I basically got spanked.
Not really after any advice but my game sunday gave me an opportunity to "appreciate" one of the new laws. The game itself was going quite well, decent banter between two sides albeit a little one sided. Then, what i thought was a harmless miskick, caught me square in the gentlemans area.

Of course I immediately stopped play (for about 2 minutes) and awarded an uncontested drop ball to the team who last had possession.
Since a bit of pendantism is in order, you drop the ball to the team who last touched the ball which is not necessarily as the same team who had posession last.

So did you check to see if the ball (either the left or the right one) had become defective?