Junior/Youth Ooopss - Time up


Everyone's Favourite Member
My first big blooper of the season today.

Kept getting shouts after around 31 mins of my U12s game asking me how long. Got to 37 mins and one of the managers screams "you do realize we only play 30 ref"... ooops! I had been under the impression they were the U13s and was playing 35 a half. Cue jeers from parents & subs.

Went over and had a quick chat to the managers, explained that I took full responsibility for the mess up, however we would now have to play 35 in the second half too. They weren't happy but I left open no possibility for negotiation...

Signed off the league form come end of the match and both had scored me 90 so they couldn't have been too disappointed - lesson for me to read properly before I go out to a match though!
A&H International
Done that before, admitted it and did the same! Haven't done it since, touch wood, mistakes are there for lessons to be learned from!
are you planning on informing the league?

I actually just emailed the league secretary a few minutes ago (I've had plenty of contact with her so know her well) to ask if she wants an official report on it. It was accepted by both teams after the final whistle though and I doubt they have much to complain about as both were high marks and "thank you"s all around. Doubt it will go any further, thankfully.
I was once up Norwich city academy on an u10s game vs chelsea, usually 20 minute quarters, getting to about 18 minutes and ran past the Chelsea coach, "ref you do know we are only playing 15s" then run towards the Norwich coach thankfully the ball went that way " are we only playing 15s?" "oh yeah sorry, forgot to tell you"