

RefChat Addict
i was watching a game today teams and officials come out for the 2nd half, ref forgets his whistles has to borrow ars, come lets share what we all have forgotton to take on the pitch
A&H International
Forgot to pack my boots once, luckily my trainers are suitable for refereeing and the ground was fairly firm so got away with that one
coin is the obvious one. I did once turn up without flags (my 2 year old had been playing with them and I'd forgotten to put them back in the bag). Thankfully the ground was 5 mins from my front door so no one noticed
I forgot flags once. First game after Christmas. Luckily they had an old set. Lucky for them otherwise they would have had a bib each!
On separate occasions, I've forgotten whistle, sheet inside notebook, coin, pretty much whatever possible!
That was until I set myself a routine, ensuring I never forgot anything!
Last season ,had a Thursday night Cup final on the line ..Referee running late due to work .
When he finally arrived , the 3 of us who were already there were giving him serious banter for turning up half an hour late ..
This soon changed when I unzipped my bag and had the old sinking feeling as I suddenly realised my shiny clean boots were on the floor at home :oops:
After considering having to go into the teams and try to borrow a pair, I settled for the refs trainers that were a size too small ,most painful 90 mins of my life .
dancohen17 very sensible get into a habit checking and double checking pockets much less likely to forget something that way. and my story is a good example to young referees acting as ars take your gear out with you
I have developed a nice OCD style ritual for packing my kit. Happens exactly the same way every match.

Empty bag - flags down the pocket side of bag. Towel, boots, flip flops and so on (lol lets not go down the what we have in our bags route eh?). Everything goes in the bag in order and always in the same position. Have the same ritual behavior for my ref kit in its bag. Always goes in the bag in the same order.

You can say it, frreeeeaaaaaakkkk! :D
My kit is pretty well looked after , the only thing I have not mastered yet is finding my car keys after the game !!

Always look everywhere except where I have put them :)
I have given up with leaving my car keys with the rest of my kit. Even if I am leaving my kit in a locked building, I now follow these basic steps:

- (if you leaving your stuff in a changing room) When you are getting changed and ready for the game, do not put your stuff back in your bag when you are leaving it to go ref. Leave it outside the bag! If someone is going to nick your stuff they will be less likely to put all your worthless (to them) bits and bobs back into the bag before taking it. They are looking for easy to nick valuable items like wallet/rings/keys/phone which you will have hidden elsewhere anyway (car etc) and a nice, neatly filled bag will just be picked up and walked off with.

- Get an arm wallet. The most valuable item with you will be your car. Lock your phone and anything of value out of sight in the car. Carry sandwich bags or similar and put the key in there and then in the arm wallet. Even if the heavens open and it pees it down, the key will be dry and safe!
If you're that dumb, you deserve problems!! More seriously, Easier to go back to changing room than a home which is 20 miles away !
I read this last night thinking iv yet to forget anything and had a little chuckle. So my game today, pack my kit and all the usual stuff. Arrive at the game to find out that my shorts are still sitting on the couch at home. Home team tried to give me a pair but they were far to tight(U15s). Luckily game was at a sports centre and they had a lost and found. Nice pair of ripped black shorts got me through. Best part, captain came in for the coin toss and quickly went 'I love your shorts ref, will need to get a pair like that'.
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