Outside Agent(s)

A&H International
They should have just told the cows to moooove cause they were really milking it. And if they didn't moooove and there was pitch next to that one, they should have mooooved onto the udder one :)

On a more serious note the dropped ball at the end should be retaken, why?????
They should have just told the cows to moooove cause they were really milking it. And if they didn't moooove and there was pitch next to that one, they should have mooooved onto the udder one :)

On a more serious note the dropped ball at the end should be retaken, why?????

Oooh... me me teacher!

LOTG state that the ball isn't back in play until it bounces. Which is why I was always taught to give the instructions "Gents, it's a drop ball, let it bounce once...take a step back please..."

Step back simply because in Division 8 of the leagues, you're likely to end up with an episode of shin-kicking unless you get them to step back. If you're feeling particularly mean you can drop it as they step back!