Patrol Paths


Southend United Supporter
Level 6 Referee
While not required by law, the convention is that an assistant referee's patrol path is left back/right midfield, and in games in the last couple of seasons, at any level, I haven't seen it done differently.

However I have been watching some highlights of various games from the 2005/2006 season and I noticed that in some (but not all) the assistant referred were on the right back/left midfield patrol path. Was there no instruction/convention then, or were ARs generally put on the other side to where they normally are now?
A&H International
Yeah Rich is right, I always get confused when the AR's have to look into the sun and think why don't they just do the other side??

But on the other hand you would have to get used to putting the wrong hand up ( ie. right hand would be used for defensive decisions and the right for attacking) etc
Running both wings is a great thing to be able to do. Although, IIRC right wings is the preferred option these days, keeps things the same. It is handy to be able to switch though, due to a slippy touchline or due to the sun, or whatever reason you have to switch. Just be mindful of what you are running, though as you can lose your assistant as youll be looking the wrong way!! Slim was the only awkward bugger I worked with that ran left wings!! :D

IIRC it was Neale Barry, a few years ago that ran rleft wings in the premier league
I have tried this once with CARs and I was all over the place. like a headless chicken. More so than normal.
Must admit I always run a left wing diagonal in the middle, never really thought about it other than being advised by an assessor to keep play on my right shoulder. That way, I am usually looking through the action with the AR beyond.