Penalties In A Single Match


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
On Saturday had a Sunday league result with the home team winning 9 -3 after leading 3 - 2 at half time.

During the match I awarded 3 penalties to the home side, none of them debatable, and all 3 were missed or saved by the GK. They did score from the rebound on one.

This is the most penalties I have ever awarded in a single game. You?
A&H International
Have given two and there was a debatable third which I decided against...
2 in 4 minutes last weekend, one to each team...both stonewallers.....

led to a tense last 3 minutes as whites were leading 3-2 after both were converted
In a kids game I remember giving three penalties to one team in the second half.

Was on the line at a game about three/four weeks ago two penalties to the same team within 3 minutes. Both clear-cut.
I gave 3 this afternoon at an u15s. All 3 were spot on and such stupid defending. Home team scored two to make it 4-2. Away team missed the last min one to end the game 4-3. Tough game.
I had three in my game on Saturday: two handballs (one for each team) and a foul. All three were pretty obvious but didn't stop the players arguing them. Apparently, when you move your hands and arms in front of your chest instead of chesting the ball down, that's okay :rolleyes:
I had three in my game on Saturday: two handballs (one for each team) and a foul. All three were pretty obvious but didn't stop the players arguing them. Apparently, when you move your hands and arms in front of your chest instead of chesting the ball down, that's okay :rolleyes:

Iv yet to give a penalty where at least one player doesn't moan. The boy yesterday gave away 2 pens for his team and both times it was my fault not his pathetic attempts at trying to get the ball.
I had two the other week for professional club girls u17's teams.

First one was in the (completely useless) assistants area, stared at him, he started to wave the flag as if for a pen, so I blow the whistle and point to the spot by as I do, the assistant points to the corner flag, I'm thinking WTF, players saying its a corner, I go over to have a word (walking backwards of course) ask him, what on earth the signal was meant to mean, he replies with a grunt and I managed to hear in the muffles that he forgot the new signal and it's a penalty.

Second one, red is sprinting about to go 1v1 with the goalkeeper, yellow defender catches up and somehow collides with her own goalkeeper, there is a bit of a tangle then the goalkeeper dives at the feet of the red striker, who only takes the striker down, but doesn't get the ball, I point to the spot, next thing you know all three players are on the floor, twelve minutes later we restart with the penalty, the goalkeeper having to go off as she cant remember the incident, defender having to go off due to a bad leg injury, but the striker fine, ironically the striker was the penalty taker but she couldn't take it as she had to go off because a physio came on to check her over!