Penalty rebounds

andy love

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Ok so in the laws it is clear, when a penalty kick has been taken the taker must not touch the ball again unless it has been played by another player.

So if the ball has rebounded from the posts or crossbar then an indirect free kick would be awarded to the defending team from where the offence occurred.

But if by chance ( and it rarely happens ) the keeper saves the shot but the ball comes back to the taker and he has another shot and scores is this a goal.
A&H International
for some reason as the ball rebounded i had it in my head no goal as the taker, stuck the ball a second time, luckily i applied the laws correctly, after realizing my mistake, to the outrage of the away team. :oops:
Thats probably the easiest part of the law regarding penalty kicks - try the encroachment stuff and who touches what first!