Penalty Run Up

Karl Atherton

New Member
What happens when a penalty taker deliberately stops in his run up, then shoots and scores (or misses)?

Should you make him re-take it or award a free kick?

What happens if it happens in a shoot out?
A&H International
It all depends on a few things, Karl. First of all, it depends on whether he is deemed to be feigning the kick or just delaying his run up. You decide this based on the fairly simple question: Did he stop his run, pause, and then shoot or did he stop his run, pause, run a little more and then shoot? If it is the former, then he is guilty of feigning and needs to be cautioned no matter the outcome of the kick; if it is the latter, then he is not guilty of anything and the result of the PK stands -- either a goal or a goal kick. Now, if he is guilty, then there are three options: first, the ball goes into the net. In this case, the player must re-take the PK. The second option is that the player does not score and the GK did not come off his line nor did a defender enter the PA early. In this case, play on. The third case is that the player does not score but the GK left his line early or a defender entered the PA early. In this case, retake the kick.

Hope that was clear.
Cheers Ryan. This happened to me in my 2nd game. It was a penalty shoot out and the player stopped, did a little dance to put the keeper off, then shot, and missed. He walked off, so he made my mind up, but I was just wondering what would happen if he scored.

Would you book him and disallow the goal, or would you allow him to re-take?
He, or a teammate, would be allowed to retake but he would be cautioned for Unsporting Behavior. But I have to absolutely clear: if he stops in the run-up to the ball but carries on the run up after his pause, he is not guilty of anything. I wish I had a copy of the FIFA instructional video on the matter. I'll see if I can't find it -- it is much clearer than any wording I can come up with.
Okay, I couldn't find the FIFA video, but I did find this compendium of videos on the USSF website. For all of their stupid instructions, there are some good ones on this page. Focus on video clip 3 for what I'm talking about. Notice how he does not take any additional steps after stopping, thereby guilty of unsporting behavior. You will see an acceptable version of feinting at the penalty mark in clip 2 -- he stops his run up, but carries on running after the fact.

He is allowed to 'pause' his run up 'as part of football'. If however, he completes his run up, then stops and feints to kick, I believe it is an USB offence.