Penalty Shout Out Data


RefChat Addict
I'm looking for some penalty shoot out data, but the data must include which team took the first penalty.

This site has some good data:


but it lists all the scores a, say 5-4, 4-2 etc. - i.e. it gives the winning number of penalties first, not which team went first. Even better would be some data that lists each penalty by order, and then whether or not it was scored.

My interest has been sparked by the suggestion that, in a penalty shootout, the team going first win 60% of the time. I think a new system is going to be trialed whereby the penalty taking is more akin to a tennis tie break, i.e Team A takes pen 1, Team B then takes pen 2 & 3, then A, B etc.

In A Level maths we teach/study conditional probability - what is the chances of this happening, given that this has happened. It is not always easy, and I think penalty shot outs could make an interesting case study.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
A&H International