
Charlie Jones

Work Until You Don't Have To Introduce Yourself

first match yesterday... blue v red, about 30 minutes in 0 - 0 - blue attacker (very quick) picks up a through ball, charges into the box where red defender sticks a cheeky leg in and wins the ball (making the blue attacker stumble slightly too, not enough for a penalty though) as this is happening the red GK simaltaniously comes rushing from the goal, sprints and jumps/slides into both players sending them both falling...

now, i give a penalty (red team claiming how as the ball had been cleared away) ... to me this was an obvious penalty but ... should i have booked the GK? or sent him off for serious foul play?
A&H International
Was the keepers challenge simply careless, reckless or with made with excessive force?

Was there risk of injury through the keepers challenge to the attacker (or his team mate) High boot? Lunge off the ground?
It sounds clear cut and correct. Maybe if you cautioned the GO it may have helped 'sell' the decision to all but not completely necessary.