Physical contact


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi all

I know some people would say no physical contact should ever happen between players and referees…

I had a very tough player that I was dealing with today who I managed well I thought (without the use of cards).

Situation .. free kick to his team (attacking team) I’m facing the attacking goal he comes from centre back and brushes into me from behind to pick the ball up.. plus have been accidental but probably wasn’t and wasn’t a huge amount of contact.. I’m guessing at this point he is continuing to try and intimidate me.

Same free kick .. handbags between two players.. I go over to sort it. Same player is remonstrating that he now has a cut lip and has tapped me on my arm twice to try to show me this. I move away and at this point I’m thinking I’m not happy with this contact.

My question .. what are peoples thoughts on how they would deal with this?

I basically told him that if he touches me again there will be a sanction, calm down and get on with it.
A&H International
Hi all

I know some people would say no physical contact should ever happen between players and referees…

I had a very tough player that I was dealing with today who I managed well I thought (without the use of cards).

Situation .. free kick to his team (attacking team) I’m facing the attacking goal he comes from centre back and brushes into me from behind to pick the ball up.. plus have been accidental but probably wasn’t and wasn’t a huge amount of contact.. I’m guessing at this point he is continuing to try and intimidate me.

Same free kick .. handbags between two players.. I go over to sort it. Same player is remonstrating that he now has a cut lip and has tapped me on my arm twice to try to show me this. I move away and at this point I’m thinking I’m not happy with this contact.

My question .. what are peoples thoughts on how they would deal with this?

I basically told him that if he touches me again there will be a sanction, calm down and get on with it.
Sounds to me like you did the right thing. Refereeing is intimidating, as are some players. You have to pick and choose your fights for want of a better expression. It sounds like this experience was challenging, but the player didn't merit a serious misconduct charge. A fine line was treaded
Sounds to me like you did the right thing. Refereeing is intimidating, as are some players. You have to pick and choose your fights for want of a better expression. It sounds like this experience was challenging, but the player didn't merit a serious misconduct charge. A fine line was treaded

Yes and needless to say he did not make contact with me again.
Yes and needless to say he did not make contact with me again.
I can see in my mind what happened and it's not an easy thing to deal with that. You were threatened, albeit in a passive manner
Dark Arts in grass roots football, crossing the line, but you gone the game finished safely. No referee is immune to such behaviour against them. Just put it down to experience and the likelihood of a recurrence will likely diminish somehow, now you've seen it all before
Players attempting to intimidate the referee escalate the intimidation if not dealt with. You said the first contact was likely deliberate (and it sounds like it was). Personally I would have dealt with the first contact at least with a firm warning.

Not dealing with the first incident didn't cause you any issues for you on the day. But another day it could be a different story. My advice is, don't take the chance.
Deffo you have to give a strong public rebuke for the brush. Take him to a neutral spot. If it was me, I’d say ish: I’m sure it was an accident, but I have to give you a warning as to future conduct and I want everyone to understand I’ve warned you.

#WarningIsWarning he’s not listening anyway and it’s a ceremony for everyone.