Plans for next season


RefChat Addict
How do?

I've spent this week deciding what I want to do next season, in terms of the leagues that I would like to officiate on.

In the end I decided to switch from the Sunday league I am currently on, to the local Saturday league, and do the local women's league on Sunday afternoons.

Anyone else switching up the leagues they officate on?
A&H International
At the minute I'm not sure whether to keep playing and on which day (moving into open age play) or commit myself to refereeing on both Saturday and Sunday. If i were to keep playing I would then have to make a decision on which day I would do each commitment. At the minute I have no idea :confused:
I know the feeling.

Switiching to the Saturday league means I will have to think about whether I give up going to watch the Gills play when they're at home, or whether to book those Saturdays.

I'll probably have to stop watching the Gills as I want to get as many games in as I can, simply to build up my experience. Which is one of the reasons I am also switching to the Womens league on Sundays, so I can get experience of football other than open age men