Player got injured


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Okay, so earlier I had u13s. Red player goes down, just a late tackle from the blue team. So I signal advantage because the red team get the ball back.This player is still on the floor after around 30 Seconds?

I surely can't bring it back because it's been longer than 30 Seconds?

If I stopped play what would I give??

Just confused me... Help??
A&H International
It is my understanding that you should only stop it if it's a head injury or perhaps if a serious injury. You can not bring it back for the foul after the 30 seconds... the red team have used up their advantage already. If you did happen to stop it after those 30 seconds, you would ask the offending team to pass the ball back to the opposing teams keeper. But don't demand it, suggest/push them towards doing it in sportsmanship/in spirit of the game.
That is all, obviously, open to interpretation.
You would give a dropped ball because the team who was fouled gained their advantage, for U13's I would stop the game pretty quickly for an injury unless I thought he was trying to waste time or cheat somehow. Some refs disagree with this but if there is no clear advantage (ie. the team is about to score) I would stop play and either start with a free kick if an offence was committed or a dropped ball if there wasn't. I don't usually differentiate between a head injury and a normal one (ie the player is holding his ankle), I stop the play almost immediately.
I wouldn't ask the offending team to pass it back personally, sometimes they offer to but if I stop play I restart with a competitive dropped ball. For younger age groups you need to use common sense, if the player doesn't look like getting back up then I think that you should stop the game.
I've got an u15s tomorrow, what would I do then??

Highly unlikely but what would you do if one of the u15s went down for a few seconds
Your call - if an advantage has been played and you believe he is seriously injured and needs attention, stop the game and do a drop ball. Team without ball when you blew your whistle pass back to team who had the ball, same as any game. Don't worry about an advantage or anything if it is already long gone