The Ref Stop

Player refusing to give his name for caution


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Well this sort of happened today, but not quite. Dark greens winning, give a freekick away and the defender boots, and I mean boots the ball a good 70 yards away. Obviously time wasting, despite him protesting his innocence that he was just clearing the ball. I asked for his name and told him he'd be getting a yellow and he really waited a long old time to give me his name. Which got my mind starting to go, what would I do if he didnt give me his name? Obviously a red he's walking so if doesnt give his name its just a misconduct report. BUt for a yellow what action would you be taking? A second yellow? A red?
The Ref Stop
If a player refuses to give you his name or gives you a false name, then ask for the assistance of his captain. Explain to the captain that at the moment it's a caution for the delaying of the restart but his refusal to give his name could be dissent which means he gets two cautions and is dismissed. If the captain refuses to help then ask the coach for his name and got through the same process. If no one wants to help, then suspend the game and tell the coach he has a couple of minutes to give he name or the game is abandoned.

In truth you would probably clocked the player's name or got a reasonable idea of it from the teamsheet and/or his team mates shouts to him. You could then try to tie the name on the teamsheet to a short number. Do not record the caution until you are sure of the player's name and have him/his captain/his manager confirm it to you/

If he insists on giving a false name, report caution under the false name and the club will have to "help the County FA with their enquiries".
Don't you have team sheets before the game?

Get the captains in. If captains refuse to assist, put it in the report and go home.

Trick is to get both captains in because this way the opposing team can hear your threats to cancel the game.
Only once have I had a player decline to provide his name at a caution.

Called the captain in, explained to player that he was about to earn a second caution for dissent and his lack of name would also be reported. The captain knew what that meant for the team both during the game (obviously having man sent off) and in the wider context and tore a strip of his previously unhelpful team mate. I got the name and the player got substituted pretty sharpish.
I agree about getting the captain involved. Though I had a similar situation last season. The player refused to give me his name, so I called the captain over and told him if the player did not give me his name, I would send him off. The player then gave me his name. Joe King was the name he gave me, so I issued the caution and continued with the game. After the match, on checking the team sheets I found there was no Joe King named, which hardly surprised me. So I reported the player for giving me a name that was not on the team sheet. He was charged by the County FA and received a ban and a fine. All because he would not accept a caution and give me his name.
Yes they did. After the county FA had dealt with the player, the Hinckley and District Sunday League then charged the club with playing an unregistered player. And they received a fine as well. Their argument was that the player was registered, but he gave the referee the wrong name. The league rejected their appeal saying that the player gave his name to the referee and that name was neither on the team sheet or on the clubs list of registered players.

It does show how much trouble you can get in through one moment of stupidity.
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I get team sheets at every match, and i always ask the manager that the shirt numbers and names correspond to each other.If i do issue YC/RC i always ask for the name anyway ...........................
Forgive me, this may be a noob comment but abandoning a match due to a player not providing his name to be cautioned? Really?

I personally would take the players number (incase of 2nd caution) and continue with the game. After full time advise the manager/secretary that the player would not provide his name and that if its not obtained then you will be reporting it as misconduct against the club. I think you'll find that the players name becomes available quite quickly.
Not really a noob comment @Joe Hickey and I agree HM, that it would be a better option, but sometimes you have to be willing to drop in that comments if the situation escalates and no one will help.
Don't know if we can still do this under the Whole Game System (suspect not) but this was the beauty of the old Standard Misconduct Form. Flicking through the disciplinary sanctions part of the CFA handbook, I came across an entry for not giving a name/supplying a false name as a separate charge. I knew all about the false name but didn't about the refusal. Whenever I came across it subsequently, I would use the SMF to report the caution and then add a second paragraph under a dividing line to report the refusal to give a name. Not about hanging the player but enforcing the disciplinary code., but it also protected me if there was ever an appeal for mistaken identity/that's not my name etc.

Would look something like this.

After being given offside the above player picked up the ball and deliberately kicked it into the car park
It should be noted that the above refused to give his name. I obtained it from the captain.
A couple of weeks ago I asked a player his name for a caution. He mumbled something incoherently so I asked him again and as both his names were a long unusual sounding name I politely asked him to spell his name for me. His reply was how do you think you spell it. I had to tell him I was not messing around with a spelling quiz and that failure to spell it for me would be same as refusing to give name and therefore second yellow card.
He then spelt these long names straight off very quickly, much faster than I could write, so I had to ask him to repeat far more slowly to give me chance to write down. He than spelled out really over slowly and loudly in very sarcastic tone as if he was talking to an idiot. This did really rack me off and I was sorely tempted to show him second yellow but on the spot I could not think of what reason I could give.
Sounds to me like dissent, though that's a tough one to give. Maybe a warning 'if you don't cooperative you will get a second yellow' may have helped.